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15 Things You Should 3D Print This Christmas

There is one day left till Christmas! Can you believe it?! That magic moment of the year is just approximately 24 hours away. So, what should you do if you still do not have a present for your beloved ones? What should you do, if you do not have enough original decorations for your home? You should 3D print them of course! We have selected 15 unique 3D printable models from for those of...
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Portraits Of The 21st Century: The Most Photorealistic 3D Renderings Of Human Beings

As I was a little boy, I liked to watch old pictures of my relatives at my grandparents' house. Scrolling all that dusty photo paper - there was something mystical and spiritual in that. Looking into the eyes of my ancestors was so surreal. I knew that they have lived decades ago, but I was still hard to perceive the archived depiction of a moment. A moment which had happened long time ago, but that...
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When Will Your Mom Get A 3D Printer?

The hype about 3D printing has been going high for several years. While the industry insiders try to dodge the pressure by dispelling the myths that “you can print everything”, the think-tank Gartner has recently started monitoring and analyzing the “nascent market” of 3D printers. Yes, 3D printers are reaching mainstream – the mainstream psyche at least. It is expected that 98,065 units of sub-$100,000 3D printers will be sold in 2014. Compare that to...
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3D Prints On Paper: Something You Could Create For Staples 3D Printing Challenge

As you probably know, we have an interesting challenge going on at the moment - Staples 3D Printing Challenge. If you are not aware of it - you are welcome to find out about it right here. And if you already decided to participate, you should check the tutorial. However, if you are still hustling in search for a great idea which you could fulfill for this challenge, is here to help you! Here...
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How To Design A Model For MCor Iris 3D Printer

If you decided to participate in Staples 3D Printing Challenge, then you need to know the requirements for a model which is 3D printable. So thanks for a tutorial from our partner Staples MyEasy3D and Mcor Technologies. We are here introducing you to the main things you should know about 3D modeling for MCor Iris 3D printer. Formats If it is a monochrome product, its files contain no color information, but allow to make different...
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Pinch Yourself: 20 Pictures You Will Not Believe Are Not Photos

There are a lot of things in the world that are hard to believe. Face the truth – eyes lie to us. Or, more specifically, our mind does not let us understand simple visual information which is used in optical illusion tricks. Optical illusion is visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. I bet, you remember all those visual puzzles of “a rabbit and a duck” as the same object and so on. Well,...
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30 Best Free 3D Models on

Usually, the stuff that is free tends to be associated to low quality. However, it is known for a long time already that providing free samples of your production is a good way to drag the attention to yourself. If you are a creator, then you should know that you will never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Those who know it, use the possibility to represent themselves through free samples....
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Make Your Life Easier: 10 Useful 3D Printed Things

It feels like time runs faster and faster every day. I am pretty sure that each one of us had such a feeling, especially nowadays, when it looks like the tempo of life is trying to compete with the speed of light. So, this phenomenon of accelerating life makes people to consider how to save some minutes on activities which normally take quite a lot of time. Therefore, how will you react if I say...
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Computer and Video Games: From One Line to Mutant Super Mario

Smash that creepy monster with whatever you have in your hands! Steal that car, which is in front of you! Kill as many WWII enemies as you can! No no, wait, do not do that in real life. However, all those characters look incredibly realistic, when you play a computer game, right?! Probably, some of you spend some time in front of the console playing "Diablo III" or waiting for "GTA V". All right, youngsters,...
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3D Printing in Fashion - What Will You Wear Tomorrow?

Please Note: This text is balanced for women, but may also catch the interest of men. The following story may be painfully familiar to women, but... Imagine, you are invited to some kind of celebration: the wedding, baptizing, birthday party or there is a prom night right around the corner. So, you will spend an incredible amount of time (I mean it) to find the right outfit (I’m not sure, how long men spend choosing...