Rigged Basemeshes

Discussion started by contmike

Hello dear CGtraders! :)

I finally managed to register here and to upload some of my models. I have 5 male basemeshes for sale, and a 6th for free as a sample. You can buy them in a pack and save on them too :)

Any condtructive criticism is welcome. I always look for new info to improve my models.

Female basemeshes are coming soon in the same types as the male basemeshes.

Please take a look at my profile here.

Also, if you have some tips for a newcomer like me, I would be thankful if you would share.

Thank you for reading.

Have a nice day. :)


Posted about 11 years ago

Hey forum!

So I've uploaded the female basemeshes. You can check out the pack here.

Also you can download a free sample here.

Please if you dowload it, give me some ratings, so I can see how you like it.

Thank you very much. :)

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