Sunglasses Net-Ben

Discussion started by lolito

On this link you would see my last project . It's sunglasses that I called Net-Ben. And if you like or not, you can say me why, commenting my glasses.


Posted about 11 years ago

nice model, but overall it looks a bit too clean and generated - try building a studio setup, which generated nice reflections and with nice lighting and shadows...

lolito wrote
Thanks for your comment . At the begining I worked mainly on the modeling of this 3d model and I used the lighting just for that the personns can see if my 3d model is good or not. Moreover , I have a student version of maya and I learnt maya just with internet. So I don't know really to create a studio setup.
signSTUDIOS wrote
Your model is just fine- there should be some tutorials on the web, describing how to create a studio setup...if you want to make one
Posted about 11 years ago

Thanks. I have just again one question because I saw that you sell 3d models. I posted my sunglasses on 3d library. On this website it costs 15 euros in .obj. Does the price is too expensive for you?

Posted about 11 years ago

Hi - I think the price is fine, but just look around on the side and compare with other sunglass models and what they cost, if your model is a little bit cheaper than those that match in quality you'll have more sales...

lolito wrote

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