Buying item that is .max and obj

Discussion started by dbeaul1444

I am new to 3D printing so I apologize in advance. When I see an item I want to buy and it says Format Autodesk3Dmax and it also says obj, how do I get it in obj considering I do not have Autodesk3dMax?


Posted almost 3 years ago

Hi there,

The obj format can be opened in any popular 3d editor (blender, maya, zbrush, modo, cinema 4d, fusion 360, etc.). But this does not mean that this file will be suitable for 3D printing.
To prepare for 3D printing, you need additional software (like Meshmixer).

3ds max is needed only if it is necessary to export from the .max file to the obj format.


Posted almost 3 years ago

When looking for 3D printable models, make sure that you search in the right category. In cgtrader printable models will always have an address that starts like this "" and their names will always ends with words "3D print model". Also, you can look at model details section on the right, under model formats section - printable models will have very little details listed there, only publishing date and model ID. If you see anything else, that means the model is not listed as printable. While there's no 100% guarantee that every model from 3D print category will print without issues, or be printable at all, but at least you will be able to ask for support from the seller, or even request a refund from cgtrader if an issue can't be solved. If you'll buy 3D models from regular category, you can't expect any of that, because those models are not meant to be printed and you will be left with useless digital file.

dbeaul1444 wrote
Thank you both so much for responding. I bought a model today and it said - 3D Model Formats - Autodesk 3d Max 63.2 MB; Autodesk FBX 2006 63.2. Then I downloaded it to my computer and there are two files. One file says .max and the other 3D object. I can open it in Meshroom, however, I don't know how to turn these files into obj file or stl file.
miso3d wrote
Ask the seller if they can convert these files for you
Posted almost 3 years ago

MAX file can be opened only with 3ds Max. FBX can be imported, edited and exported to OBJ or STL in many more programs, one of them is Blender, which is free. However nothing will help if the model itself is not made for printing in the first place. Of course it is possible to modify the regular 3D model and make it printable, but how easy, or hard it will be, depends on the model itself and on skillset of the person who will perform the conversion. Sometimes it's just easier to make printable model from scratch, than to try to adapt existing model for printing and since you didn't listen to advices you were given, from now on, you're on your own. Good luck.

Posted almost 3 years ago

Given an array arr[] of size N where every index in the array represents the cost of buying an item and two numbers P, K. The task is to find the maximum number of items which can be bought such that:

1. If some i-th object is bought from the array, the remaining amount becomes P – arr{i}

2. We can buy K items, not necessarily consecutive, at a time by paying only for the item whose cost is maximum among them. Now, the remaining amount would be P – max(cost of K items).

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