No depth data.

Discussion started by fast-m

Hi everybody,

i bought a 3d model and i have 2 distinct files, one in .fbx and the other in .blend format.
I sent these 2 files to a 3d printing site, but they complained that the files have no depth data, so the model is not printable.
How can i do?

Thanks in advance.



Posted about 3 years ago

My Ouija board tells me that without links to those models, screenshots, or any sort of technical information that the answer is yes or no. So how can you do?

fast-m wrote
oh sorry! This is the model: "Despicable me shrink ray Gun Vector 3D model" Model ID: #924906
3DCargo wrote
STL is typical 3D printing format. I see no information in the description of this model regarding 3D printing.
Posted about 3 years ago

Contact seller and ask him/her to provide error free 3d printable model, if that isn't posible contact support via green help button on the right of the screen and ask for refund.

zabotlama wrote
BLEND and FBX files are NOT printable formatts. If there is not listed STL file in product files and product description then it is buyers mistake buying not printable files for 3D printing. I have already added warning into my descriptions that the models are not suitable for 3D printing. Or buyer must be able to make model printable himself.
LowPolyVehicles wrote
Where you saw that i wrote that BLEND and FBX are printable formats ? I wrote my comment long before author of the topic showed what model is, I wrote my comment assuming that author know what he is doing and assuming that model is described as 3d printable.
zabotlama wrote
Sorry but original post from author of this thread is about buying 2 distinct files FBX and BLEND and sending them to a 3d printing site.
zabotlama wrote
Or author could edit his original post? I don't see any post-editing possibility here on CGT.
LowPolyVehicles wrote
It doesn't matter what formats are, he sad that problem is lack of depth wich means that model isn't build properly for 3d printing my comment and suggestion is based on that.
zabotlama wrote
Of course that non-printable model isn't built properly for 3d printing.
zabotlama wrote
And if it doesn't matter about formats then why CGT has special section for printable models in suitable STL formats?
LowPolyVehicles wrote
Why there is "Request format conversion" ?
zabotlama wrote
Exactly for this case, for finding out before buying wheather there is possibility to get additional file format which is not listed in product files.
LowPolyVehicles wrote
1. No one said that FBX and Blend are printable formats. Show me where its written. 2. Yes they have 3d print section with 3d print models like this one where is only listed obj format. Just to be sure (because you love to pull non-existent stuff out of contex) 3. If i convert low poly non manifold geometry game model into .stl , will that made it more printable than obj, fbx , max , blend ? 4. Author of the topic didn't complaint about formats he complaint about lack of depth wich is the problem with model itself. I don't care what is the native format as long as it can be converted and used without work. If tone of the work to get it to printable level isn't needed author won't be posting this topic here in the first place. 5. Is it clear now ? Or should we continue ?
Posted about 3 years ago

Sorry but you have to be careful wheather you are buying printable models.
There is special section on this site for print-ready models.
Or if you are buying model which is not in print-ready format (STL) you must ask seller BEFORE buying wheather there is possibilty to get printable files.

zabotlama wrote
As PhantomG mentioned above there is "Request format conversion" which can be used for asking about special file formatts before buying. )))
zabotlama wrote
For the next time I recommend to search printable models here:
Posted about 3 years ago

Ones a buyer boght my model for printing that was not created for printing. Naturally they had problems. They asked for refund. Cgtrader contacted me and asked if i will grant the refund. If nothing changed seller might or might not agree with a refund.

Posted about 3 years ago

Interesting discussion!
However my real question is that now i have this 2 files without depth data, but my son is asking me the toy he look at in the 3d model.
Is there a way to generate thoose depth data, other than asking to the seller?
I'm not an expert in this field of 3d models, but i'm a developer and i can figure out that if a model has been created as a 3d shape, there should be an algorithm or a tool that can infer or set the depth data from the model itself, maybe setting one or more sizes manually.
So, what can i do to achieve my goal?

lockiabel wrote
First the model has to be a .stl file. Secondly the model has to be one mesh, with no holes and has to have volume space. I would suggest finding a service on Fiver or commissioning someone here to make sure that it is all done correctly. Hope I was helpful!
tobiasrieper wrote
Next time don't rely on 3d print section because, there are more non printable than printable models, as PhantomG pointed in his post above. Better ask someone before purchase who knows what 3d printable model is and how it's made, if you don't have somebody to ask, post question here on the forum and im sure that there will be someone who will help you out. 9 out of 10 printable models that i was about to purchase were far from printable, althoug they all were .stl wich is most important thing nowdays judging by the comments here.
Mantas-Talmantas wrote
What i would suggest an is. 1. Contact chtrader and artist for support. That will take time and if u need your model printed faster i wold do the following. If you say u are a developer it probably could be doable. Get blender from import fbx file. Select it snd expoŗt as .stl see if your print company can print that. Also, iam no expert in 3d printing but i have prepared and sent arount 20 files for various print shops trugh the years. And never ever i have came across term depthmap in contecst of printing. Is it possible that we are missing smth here, could u paste the hole email from your print shop, might be some of the people would understand what they mean with that "depth map" . Also if you would send either a picture of a model or link to the model people here could comment if it looks printable (if there are no thin surfaces and such things)
Posted about 3 years ago

Not sure what you think by "depth data" but i guess it's not even relevant at this point.
What you need is 3D object MADE FOR 3D PRINTING. There are many types of 3D objects but, if you want to print it, it must be made by specific standards. Standard output format for 3D printing is *.STL file. However, you can't just open BLEND or FBX or OBJ, save it as STL and expect it to be prinable. Model must be modeled for that purpose. In many cases it's better / easier to model the object from scratch than to repair non-printable model.
As I see, you bought model which is not STL and it doesn't even claim to be printable. Then you gave a guy negative review for your own mistake and that is not cool. $24.50 seems like fair price to learn something new :)
Anyhow... If you want to achieve your goal, you need to hire someone to model this gun for 3D printing.
You can't just "add depth" and call it a day.

Posted almost 3 years ago

Sorry but you have to be careful weather you are buying printable models. There is special section on this site for print-ready models. Or if you are buying model which is not in print-ready format (STL) you must ask seller BEFORE buying weather there is possibility to get printable files.

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