CG Flora and Fauna Challenge

Discussion started by Neringa


Have you seen this new CGTrader's challenge? I would like to encourage you to participate as this time the prize pool is really impressive! :)


Posted over 9 years ago

Hi Neringa.
I am allready in the challenge,and I am sure ,that the others will think that I am not fine,but I would like to say something.
My dream is YOU to pay as sponsors in the others challenges some of these 3ds max plugins:

1.. hair farm for 3ds max

2. ornatrix for 3ds max

These plugins are for hair and fur and they are very usuful,..but very expensive..,so if it is posible.....invite them here..:)
Thank you and have a nice day.

Posted over 9 years ago

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely take a look on those plugins and will try to get them as prizes for the upcoming challenges. :)

Good luck in the contest,


Posted over 9 years ago

Is there a way to get something like decisions for the first to third place?.
What I mean is: I personally don’t have any use for a 3ds Max Plug-in but I could use a Sketch fab Pro account or something similar.
So if I would get the first place it would be great to choose between some types of rewards.


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