How to enter the Home 3D Printing Challenge - Portfolio Section

Discussion started by Platonik

Hi All!

I have uploaded 22 models that I have printed and tested for the home 3d printing challenge. I was unsure if I needed to do anything more to enter the portfolio part of the contest. The instructions / rules said anyone with more than 10 would be eligible. Do I have to do anything else to officially enter. With only a day, I don't want to miss checking a box or something!

Thanks, and sorry if its  a silly question. I am known for getting caught on the vague meanings of certain words. Just want to be sure Thanks!



Posted over 10 years ago

Maybe something was changed, but until now, you just need to check the box in project details tab, when you are uploading files, where is written "If you have a right model for the challenge, simply check the box and you are in.", and be sure that a tag "homeprinting" has been added.

And if you have more than 10 models uploaded, as it says in the rules, they will also include you in the portfolio part of the competition.

Platonik wrote
Thanks Marko! Looks like I'm good to go
MrMilinko wrote
You're welcome, good luck!

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