Improving Challenges

Discussion started by eduardas

Hi guys,

We are looking to make the challenges better for our community to participate and want to hear your opinion on following topics:
Which criteria are the most important for you as contestants/audience? What is less important according to you?
What do you feel is the most important and what could we add to the challenges to make it more attractive?

Tell us what you think!

Best regards,



Posted over 9 years ago

Creating finished products that work in the real world instead of 3D regular models is far more gratifying and stimulating.

I think the best challenges are those where artists get to create finished products like this one I invented that they can own. My biggest frustration was that I kept building things for others and then was not able to sell them again online so I opted for creating real products that I can use.

Here is my Helipad created in 3D first but now as you can see is a finished product that actually works!

Part Puzzle and adjustable in height, it makes a great toy for those who really want to improve their flying skills.

After all... everyone can fly a heli but landing... well

Posted over 9 years ago

Here are, for what it's worth, my two cents.
1) Explain how you choose your winners and second/third runners. I haven't been surprised by the winners in the past, but some of the second or third runners were sometimes questionnable, in my opinion, and other entries could have been chosen instead. I'm pretty sure you had good reasons, just tell what they are, none to write a novel, a few lines explaining what guided the choice (topology, textures, beauty render ??).
2) Winners may be the same people from one challenge to another, of course, very talented, but if some happy few confiscate the competition, then the outsiders won't even bother to enter the challenges. I think that, like we can see in some figurines painting challenges I entered when I was (much) younger, the winner in a given category (for example : regular 3D or print 3D) should not be allowed to enter the next competition in the same category, or they could participate for an honorific title, without being allowed to get the prizes twice in a row.
3) Portfolio : producing 10 models in one month is quite complicated unless you belong to a studio with a huge production capacity. Because, if you are a freelancer you can't allow to spare all your time producing ten models in one month especially for a challenge, with potentially low sales afterwards. My advice would be to split this category in two : best individual portfolio (let's say 3-5 models) and best studio portfolio (10 models). Of course, any producer being composed of two or more people, should have to enter this last category instead of individual portfolio. This would avoid having the portfolio categories won by studios against whom an individual can't compete, and would also avoid portfolios composed for individuals of 2-3 good models and 7-10 crappy ones.
My own experience in these challenges is that to be able to produce 10 models for one challenge, being an individual with a full-time job, I had to rush and publish unpolished models - so after two attempts, I just stopped trying because it was just not satisfying.
Again, my two cents.

Posted over 9 years ago

I agree 100 percent with Captainmarlowe here.

1.You can't expect modelers to create 10 high quality models on their own to compete in a competition especially if they don't have their own studio... it just isn't feasible and will only cause people to either not even bother to try or burn themselves out and get carpal tunnels. There are only so many hours you can work on a 3D model per day before it begins to cause physical injury!

2.I also agree that when the same people always win it makes the others stop wanting to participate because let's face it then it is just like purchasing a lottery ticket knowing full well you won't anything.

3. The way things are right now... new applicants have 0 percent incentive to want to participate. The amount of work required to compete is too great and the chances of them winning is too low.

4. You could try a 3D printing challenge where everyone who takes part and is able to create a fully functional 3D chassis for Arduino operated car or a robot body for the new intel servo operated robot would get one 3D printed and sent to their address regardless of whether they win or not.

There aren't that many modelers capable of performing such a task so CGT would only have to print out the successful models which will probably just be a hand full and then give away a prize to the winner of the competition.

This would be beneficial because even if the 3D modelers won't be able to sell their model on 3D websites at least they would have created something unique that they can sell on ebay, amazon, craigslist or even do their own garage sale.

In other words once 3D models become actual objects your ability to sell them increases exponentially. Just look at Disney!

Most of their revenue comes from selling their toys!

Posted over 9 years ago

Hey guys,

These are some very good suggestions! We'll definitely keep them in mind and will let you know if(when?) we make some changes! Thank you.

Best regards,

Posted over 9 years ago

Cool. In the meantime I sure wish I had more time to enter the ongoing challenges. Especially alien and game ready ones.

Posted over 9 years ago

Hi captainmarlowe,

We have talked about prolonging challenges and we think about extending the duration for upcoming challenges to three months instead of two. However, the sad news is that we will probably keep the same duration for those you you have named.

Best Regards,

Posted over 9 years ago

Hey, thanks for letting me know. Unfortunately, my real-life assignment for the next two years is the main reason why I have not enough spare time to enter the contests. :)

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