Ottoman PBR Test

Discussion started by rdu


so I took the test and submitted the model- like at least 8 times, as the system kept rejecting my submission. "Missing textures", which I can't understand as I followed the naming conventions closely. I mean, this is the defined naming convention: "

{MaterialName}_{Model UID}_{MaterialIndex}_{TextureName}

MaterialName should be: M_0_0, M_0_1, etc.

- MaterialIndex should be last number of material name: M_0_0, M_0_1


So, if I don't get something horribly wrong, my textures should be named M_0_0_xxxxxxxxxxx_0_BaseColor, M_0_0_xxxxxxxxxxx_0_AO and so on. I don't get it. The fbx is named xxxxxxxx ( which is the UID) and the zip has the same label. Everything n there, no sub directories...I'm clueless

Any ideas?


Posted almost 5 years ago

Have you included all of the textures? Even if they are just totally black they have to be in there (ie. opacity, metalness, emissive). Also even though the guide video tell you to use the metalness workflow for all PBR assignments - you have to include glossiness & specular maps too. It seemed a bit pointless to me, but maybe they just want to cover all possibilities, allowing you to demonstrate your PBR knowledge?

Posted almost 5 years ago


Thanks for your reply. Yes, everything is in there. Properly named and finished. Sure, even the pure black/white images...

Posted almost 5 years ago


i.e. Crane_Crane_BaseColor, Crane_Crane_Normal etc.

I put these in a separate zip file called "Textures" along with the JSON shader file.

Posted over 3 years ago

Hello rdu
You were finally able to finish the test, if so, how did you do it? I have the same problem

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