Schwag and sports challenges

Discussion started by figster

Just curious, when will they anounce the winners of these challenges?


Posted about 7 years ago

Hi figster,

I now everyone is really curious. Sorry for the delay, we are working on this, but there are still a few things left to do on this. Hopefully we have it all sorted by mid-October, and as soon as we have the best selected - will post this on our blog.

Thanks for the patience.

Gina, CGTrader team

3DTerra wrote
Today we have November, but we dont know a winners.
Posted about 7 years ago

"Today we have November, but we dont know a winners."
And my models still have not been approved.

Posted about 7 years ago

Will we see results in this year?
And i don't want to take part in contests anymore, because waiting a year for results is kinda annoying.

ginvile wrote
Hi, Thanks for the comments guys and I totally understand yoru curiosity about the winners. You will definitely see the results and we haven't left the challenges alone, we are working on a multiple things relating to those: 1. Finalizing the entrants list. The main challenge we are facing is that the asset should work fine with Dimension CC (formerly known Project Felix), and for models to be approved there it should go through a pipeline and several steps. We have some assets that brings some errors and to be fully fair to all the participants we want to make sure that only assets that actually fail to comply with some requirements are skipped and not because of some external issues. To be very precise we have 21 assets to check in total for both challenges. 2. Accounting information and payments as related to sales on Adobe Stock. this will be transfered with the next payment from CGTrader. Hope this explains a bit, and thanks so much for the patience. Best, Gina, CGTrader team

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