What's a Meme???
Hi there!
I'm here again with another special idea on modeling :)
Idea: Create a model which will be based on an exact week's theme.
This week's theme: Your favorite printable meme (politic,actor,random internet meme).
What to model? 3D Printable Meme
Start: Monday, March 17th at 12:00 am GMT (+2)
End: Sunday, March 23th at 12:00 pm GMT (+2)
25 CGTrader credits for one winner.
Make sure to post your entries link in this thread and do not forget to insert a tag "specialmeme" when uploading your entry!
What's a Meme???
That's a good question. :)
Start here:
And here are some good examples:
Okay guys I just checked all the entries and we have only Sajid Diaz who managed to upload 4 entries, and personally I really loved this one: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/animals/dinosaur/philosoraptor - funniest out there. :)
Congrats Sajid, gonna add some credits for you just right now. :)
Wow Great thank u
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