Tagging objects for challenges - Annoying off-topic entries

Discussion started by captainmarlowe

Hi there. I don't want to start yet another ranting thread, but there is one thing that bothers me quite a lot, and it is the fact that a lot of models are tagged with challenges tags and then appear in the entries section of the challenges, despite they are obviously completely off topic.

Look at the boat challenge that has just started : the first entries are almost all hand weapons. There are only 6 boats or navy-related entries out of 24 of them.

I really enjoys browsing the entries for the challenges, because some work is very impressive and inspiring. But it's always a PITA to have to go through a lot of models that have been tagged inappropriately with the challenge, obviously, only to gain some visibility. And it even, to some extent, prevents me from browsing all the challenges galeries (I just go through the ones I am really interested in).

Would it be possible for the admins to check the entries from time to time and remove those which are off topic (and why not sending a friendly mail to the people who tagged their model inappropriately, explaining why it's annoying) or to study another way of entering objects in the challenges galeries ? That would help having focused challenge galleries.

Just a thought. 


Posted over 9 years ago

I also agree with you. These people just do this to get more views and attention. In my opinion, that's just spam.

Posted over 9 years ago

I have been saying this a lot too. It is far better if the tagging is taken care of by CGTrader or at least you can only insert the auto suggested ones, which should be based on the type of model you are uploading.

1. People don't know how to tag their models appropriately... Me being one of those sadly...

2. Some people don't tag there models appropriately on purpose so their models will appear in places they believe they will get more visibility.

3. If tagging can't be done on CGTrader's end because it is too complicated then at the very least one could limit what tags can be put onto the website.

Example if you are trying to sell a CAR you can't put BOAT in the tags.

As far as tags are concerned I feel that less is more and even when you are browsing the site the buyers usually just type in stuff like ford, mustang, sports, car and if they find a bunch of boats when they do that they'll be very upset... I know I would be.

Even when searching for stuff on Google people will type similar tags and only add 3D model to it because that helps specify what it is and they don't get a bunch of RC, Diecast or actual cars.

Posted over 9 years ago

On point. Let's not throw EVERY model we have into the boat category for extra views… or maybe the artist is hoping the judges go blind and their battle axe/boat wins the competition! :)

Posted over 9 years ago

Hey guys,

This problem is well known for our team, we are trying to remove the tags manually, but, as you can understand, sometimes it is hard to check and untag all of the inappropriate models having in mind that we usually have about 6 ongoing challenges at once.

We have the solution for this situation and our development will work on that. Until it will be done, our team will warn those designers, who are tagging their out of topic models for challenges and remove the tags manually by ourselves.

Thanks for your feedback a lot! We appreciate it very much! :)

Posted over 9 years ago

Hi, thanks for dropping in and for your inputs. It is always much appreciated to know that the suggestions are taken into account.

Posted over 9 years ago

Exactly! I remember whenever I suggested anything on Turbosquid all my ideas always got shot down no matter how relevant they were. CGTrader support team is awesome!!

Posted over 9 years ago

Agreed. I don't get the need to do it but glad to hear it's being worked on.

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