Weekly challenge Ideas

Discussion started by Cartoomotion

Hello everyone , i have some ideas would like to share with you regarding the weekly challenge hope you would like them :) 

if i make this game i will make it this way :

1- change the name to be Yearly Activity challenge

starting from weekly competition , monthly , quarterly , annually

2- the competition will run on monthly bases divided on 4

3- should have tow competitions one for the individuals and
on for the companies

4- if a new artist joined during the week he/she will not be
able to compete until next week

5 - the winner of any week during the month he/she will get
the current prize every week but also still have another chance to win at the
end of the month , Quarter, year, another prize .

to encourage those already winners you can make a quarterly completion
so they will continue working on uploading new models

so you have to give 4 prizes : weekly , monthly , quarterly
, end of the year.

6- how to calculate the points :

- the same calculations you already have for every week ,
and it will be the same for the month but the download points should not exceed
100 points any way

so if the artist get 500 download points  that will count as 100 points and if he/she
gets les than 100 that will be count as they are EX( 70 points = 70 points)

7- cgtrader teams have the right to check the quality of the
models .

8- the announcement of the winners should not include
(fighting) word and chose friendly expressions instead such as competing or any
other suitable word .

9 - chose one model of the monthly winner product and put on the
front page (iron baby)


Posted over 11 years ago

Some very nice ideas you got here, thanks for sharing!

Posted over 11 years ago

Nice idea

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