After a sale how to get a review of your model?

Discussion started by JimPlatt

I've been on CGtrader for a couple of years now and sell one or two models a month which is gr8......obvs I like to sell more! When I get a sale I've never been able to get the purchaser to give a review.......I'm assuming their are no issues or problems with the models. I always contact them after a sale asking for this but they never respond. Anybody got any tips on how to encourage this or do you think it doesn't really matters to my sales?


Posted about 2 years ago

Issues with your models is that they are too ordinary, no concept and strategy that unites all items. Well, the lamp so what? Good model, normal mesh, texture, description, but there is nothing that could cause at least minimal delight, interest, etc. Therefore, there are so few sales and no reviews.

Models should be either complex (from sci-fi kitbash to gothic or victorian buildings with detailed facades and interiors) or very useful (good base meshes with clean topology that can be easily modified, animated etc). Or it can be a collection of figurines united by one story. In this case reviews will be even without requests and mentions.

JimPlatt wrote
Never really found a modelling niche.....perhaps why my models are alittle generic.......was trying to have a look at your profile but I can't why is that?
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
The blog has the answer why. If my models appear somewhere in the near future then on RenderHub. Old computers, slot machines, quite an interesting niche, maybe you should try to take a place in it. In any case I think this is much better than bottles, french press and balloons.
JimPlatt wrote
Sorry I don't understand which blog are you talking about? Funny enough its the aftershave bottles that have sold! Thats why I've done a few of them.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
On CGTrader blog. Good, then create two collections with bottles and computers. Then it is possible with chests and something else. Maybe after all this reviews will appear.
JimPlatt wrote
Will give it whirl thx 4 your advice..........sorry still don't understand why I can't look at your models for some refs?
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
I am creating models for 3d printing and they aren't related in any way with computers, balloons, bottles etc. so they are unlikely to be of any interest to you. Well, bottles or computers it's up to you. In any case, good luck.
Posted about 2 years ago

If you are a fan of old computers, create a few more models and combine them into a collection. I think this will already be a good option for increasing the chances of receiving reviews and increasing sales.

Posted about 2 years ago

Very few people leave reviews, from my experience and reading about other artist's experiences. When I make purchases, I leave favourable reviews when I think the model deserves it. When I download something and it doesn't meet my expectations, because either I didn't read through the description, or didn't ask the artist about the scale (or whatever) I don't leave a review.

I think it was mentioned, that an absence of a review indicated that the model was adequate for their needs. Repeat business from the same customer also means that your work is valued.

There also have been discussions on this forum, that the metrics used to measure artists are unfair. I agree that those metrics need to be revised.

There are those people who don't read model descriptions, download something, and expect you to modify your model for free to suit their needs. When you refuse, they leave you an unfavourable review. I'm unsure if CGtrader support would remove those, if the artist thinks they are unfair.

Posted about 2 years ago

Some artists use the practice of posting model links on social networks asking for put likes, write comments, etc. In my opinion, this is full of shit, but maybe I'm too conservative and such methods really work and as a result increase views and purchases.

Posted about 2 years ago

Just an opinion, but I don't think customer reviews have a big impact on sales. I do receive some reviews, but I notice that they always are for relatively unusual products. ... For which I am always grateful. But, given that reviews of my products generally are for the unusual ones, I'm not convinced product reviews are necessary or significantly helpful to sales.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
On best match position in designers list (page which still works quite bad) in theory the number of reviews should have a positive effect.
JimPlatt wrote
Good to know........thxs
Posted about 2 years ago

If you have created a unique model, the buyer will automatically give you good feedback

3DCargo wrote
Im curious about your motivation to post this comment, you have 41 models and 1 review - of which is negative.
JimPlatt wrote
@Creative-Gallery don't mean to be funny about it but none of your models are unique my friend!
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
If the buyer is a unique bot with AI he will of course automatically give a good review.
Creative-Gallery wrote
3dcargo,, JimPlatt I know But this customer blackmailed me He said give me my money back otherwise I will give negative review I didn't return monedy so got a negative review I have posted a topic for this issue as well
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
What equanimity. But in general, nothing new. All thieves are impudent creature. He doesn't care about the list of stolen models he cares how to sell so that buyers don't leave negative reviews.
Creative-Gallery wrote
Absolutely right It is very sad if a creator puts in a lot of hard work and the customer does this to him And what about the thieves? They themselves do not work hard but steal
Posted about 2 years ago

In my opinion ratings (reviews) have minimal impact on sales. Even negative rating has minimal impact if you have good 3D model presentation with wireframes, detailed (useful) product description, screenshots of UV maps etc.
And I agree that the ratio of number of ratings and overall sales is very very low, in my experience it is maybe 2% (1 rating on 50 sales).
And I absolutely don't worry about it.

JimPlatt wrote
thx 4 your input
TazMan2000 wrote
Generally, customers who take the time to read reviews, are the ones most likely to leave them.
3dgtx wrote
thanks for sharing your experiecne zabotlama, interesting views.
Posted about 2 years ago

If you manage to get good frequency of sales on good priced models, you get the front page.
No amount of views, likes or reviews can help you get that sales frequency up on good priced models.
Understanding of demand versus supply will help you the most.

Go for things in short supply where there is a demand for and deliver top quality for the right price, that's the key.

Posted about 2 years ago

Reviews should be more important to customers than to sellers. Is just a way to warn fellow buyers that certain model has some deficiencies, or to tell them that it's safe to use in production without hassle. If more customers would be encouraged to read and leave reviews, then everyone would have better experience in the marketplace.

Posted about 2 years ago

Review is most important indicator of model quality. Maybe this is not obvious for bayer. Only sellers know - review can write only customer, who has olready bought model and assessed its real quality. Likes and comments can put everyone, who likes form and appearance, but hase no idea about real quality and practicality of model. Sometimes I buy model if I'll spend more time to modelling the same. When I choose seller, I pay attention to reputation of seller and amount reviews. Positive of course :)
As a seller I have to mark - only one of 10-20 buers come back to write reviw. Someone hase to buy model, use it and later (possible in a few days) come back and spend time for writind a praise. The model should impress the buyer and force to return. And of course your model should meet customer expectations. So, make a lot of pictures from different angkes / view modes and write good description. People need to be clear about what they are buying to avoid disappointment.

P.S. Your models (even free) is youf face and demonstrate your professional level. Keep low quality models is bad idea. Sorry, but your "Diamond Ring Free 3D print model" is not good. As "3D print model" mean someone can print it, cust in metal, settle gems and get readu to use jewelry. Your ring is not technical - it will be impossible to settle gems.

JimPlatt wrote
Thxs 4 your input........From your profile I see that you are coming at this from a Jewelry designer and my free ring would definitely draw your attention. Its the only print thing I have up and have no skills/interest in this field. It was more of an rendering exercise than anything else! That why it was FREE perhaps I'll remove the stl file! Cheers
tobiasrieper wrote
"Review is most important indicator of model quality." Something that is good for you doesn't necessarily mean it's good for me and vice versa. Doesn't matter how much good reviews model have you never can be 100% sure is it good for you or does it suit your need fully. The most important thing is model presentation, clean renders with clean wireframes where customer can see how model is constructed/done, buy/not buy, descision must not be made based on reviews (some people here on cgt lower price of their own model to 2$ in order to buy it so that, they can be able to write a 5 star review and than put back price of 50$) it must be based on presentation wich must show quality of the model,but even then there will be those who will in any way possible for them try to misrepresent product in order to get sales of some garbage model, but for that we have our nice support to deal with people like this.
BAASU wrote
We are speaking about different things. For model made for digital porpose important "presentation, clean renders with clean wireframes" - this parameter you can assess visually. I make models for jewelry prototyping. In this field of work difference in 0,1 mm thickness can be critical for manufacture. Thickness difference in 0.1 mm can not be seen visually, but critically important. Therefore review is very important to assess the subtle moments of the model, you can not assess visually.
tobiasrieper wrote
Yes we are speaking about different things because you didn't emphasize about which type of models you are talking about. For digital purpose assets, review mean nothing.
BAASU wrote
To tell the truth I did not sell digital models. Only for jewelry production. There is a big defference betwen models for digital purpose or prototyping. As I see - in importance of reviw as well.
Posted about 2 years ago

In my opinion technical details about 0.1mm, etc., should be clarified directly with the designer and if he has nothing to answer it is obvious that the model is not worth buying. What is the use of reviews such as nice, perfect, very cool etc.? What's cool? Price, design or cool that the designer is your old friend or relative and you are proud of him? A clean renders is important in any case, if the designer is not able to make even a simple but high-quality render this can already indicate that with the topology/textures/ quality of preparing for printing everything was also most likely done in hurry and pretty bad.

BAASU wrote
Well. This is an marketplace. If I sell model for $10-20 it means - I don't have to spend time for clarifying. As designer I know what I do and make model correct and technical. And this is shown in reviews. Someone can spend money for 3D model + money for prototyping + money for custing + loss of gold during casting and only then realize that the model does not work. It's real. Especially for people who are used to making jewelry by hand. Some fine details of the model are difficult to appreciate from the pictures. The responsibility rests entirely on the professionalism of the designer.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
What if the reviews "I lost money and time" and "wow, this ring (for example) is very cool, thank you" are written about the same model? How to determine if the model is good or not in this case? Another example. Which designer is more professional, the one with 50 models uploaded and 5 reviews or the one with 5000 models and 50 reviews?
Posted about 2 years ago

Hey mate! I know what you're talking about!

The only way I have found to get more reviews is by sending a thank you message for the purchase and offering a discount code and reminding them that the review is very important to sellers. Since I do it I have noticed that I receive more reviews for my objects.

Hope this can help you! best regards to all!

JimPlatt wrote
Hey m8.....I always send a buyer a message but they far....never responded thx anyhoo!
Posted about 2 years ago

In addition, take a look at the accounts that are always first in the ranking of points, for the points they make we can imagine that they either sell many products or sell many high-cost products, in any case, they do not receive the reviews that would correspond to such level of sales. I don't know if I'm explaining myself... come on, people don't bother to rate purchases, no matter what kind of product they buy. So the only advice is the one I already told you. People have to be encouraged to do it.


Posted about 2 years ago

"After a sale how to get a review of your model?"
Probably the most difficult part of a sale - after a sale.
Because most buyers don´t care about coming back and "rating".
They just need something urgently for a project within their company and they disappear for a time, they just "piss off" after downloading.
I personally bought many models on CGT and elsewhere, in a mega - MEGA! - hurry, pushed by multiple projects, by my CEO, by my collegues, no time to rate something or talk to the seller, knowing, it was just 1 x small fragment of what I need for the project´s PRE!-production. So............... see it with the buyer´s eyes.

Hence, I agree with JimPlatt, sending anything to the buyers doesn´t bring them back to rate the item. Even sending a message with a created 70% discount for 1 x next purchase with limited time period doesn´t work, I tested that already on 10 buyers.

However, I personally have just a very small and limited portfolio on CGT, maybe it works for other vendors with a big and better portfolio.

JimPlatt, do not run after the buyers... it seems not to work out, also not for me, and some other vendors.
Rather, try to give them a sort of added value or whatsever.
I curently try out if rendering templates in MT4 work out for highres-assets, and Unity packages will work out for realtime-assets,
this additional work is a test, and I work into the black..... but maybe such things bring the buyers back, and they are glad to rate... who knows.

Posted about 2 years ago

How many modelers here actually buy stuff from other modelers on this website? Do you read the reviews on the model before purchasing?

Forester wrote
I do. There are some really good models here. Sometimes, I purchase models to complete a commercial project. Sometimes, I purchase one simply to learn how another person made the model.
Posted about 2 years ago

I personally (from POV of a buyer.........) only read the description and look throught the previews.
I don´t trust the "reviewers" if I intend to buy something.
Firstly, because I am since 98 in the biz and have an eye for what I need, determining within the previews.
Secondly, because I saw as vednor here so many, so many manipulations on those platforms, like, another account buying something
and rating items.
Third, because I don´t know who the reviewer was, a noob? or a serious professional developer.

Good point you brought in here TazMan2000.

Posted about 2 years ago

@Forester and @CGAmp, I'm assuming that if there was a negative review of a model you wish to purchase, that you would investigate further whether it was an unfair assessment?

Forester wrote
Yes, absolutely!
3dgtx wrote
I definitely. Also, there is always the option to ask the seller something in first place, before buying. I would not discourage myself to buy a model just because of a negative rating.
Posted about 2 years ago

I now always upload a text file where I briefly explain the model or if you have any questions and of course if you are satisfied rate me. I don't think it's good to ask again because of the evaluation and it's rather annoying

JimPlatt wrote
ah good idea
LemonadeCG wrote
I would never contact the customer after the sale and ask for review, because i know how much that would piss me off if it would happen to me, but i like the idea to include small readme file with simple model description and humble ask for review. At least that wouldn't feel so obtrusive. On the other hand, i don't believe that this would change anything - those who are willing to give reviews, will do so without any reminders and those who are not, will ignore your request. Currently i'm having unusually long drought of reviews, but it doesn't look that it would affect sales in any way.
Posted about 2 years ago

Yes, it's about the intrusive, I pack the txt file because it's good, I don't run after anyone

Posted about 2 years ago

Of course, I feel differently about following up, politely, and asking for a review of tutorials that I publish. I think tutorials are a different case, and it is reasonable to ask for a review of tutorials that cost someone money to purchase.

Posted about 2 years ago

One thing about asking for a review, is that sometimes it may not turn out to be positive.

Posted over 1 year ago

Very few people bother to leave a review. Even if they like your model

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