Any option to end the support Ukraine feature ?

Discussion started by CAVICOM

Id like to end this feature i signed up for has anybody worked out how to do this ?


Posted almost 2 years ago

My sales - donations - disable donations

Posted almost 2 years ago

Guys. Know that this site does not care about people. As long as you are convenient for them, they will earn money from you. There will be a new agenda, they will send you to hell. This is a pure business for them, not some kind of creative platform. If you want more creativity and human attitude, then I advise you to go to
A platform that steals money from people and hides behind good intentions - cgtrader. My strictly personal opinion.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Steals money? Seriously? Such accusations require evidence.
why do you think they steal money from people ?
andrew1-618 wrote
Dig into the archives and you'll understand why.
andrew1-618 wrote
The site was top-end, I do not argue. But at one point she returned to the trash. This is my personal opinion, which is based on my experience with cgtrader. I do not urge anyone to believe my opinion. Be on the alert.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Where is the evidence, man? Your personal opinion? Or if more precise, your personal butthurt. If you mean this article as evidence of theft I advise you to read it more carefully.
andrew1-618 wrote
I assume that you do not cover peaceful victims on our part. It is unlikely that we will convince each other.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Decisions made by the company can cause different feelings and emotions but why blame CGTrader for stealing money.
andrew1-618 wrote
Well, you want to call it - the appropriation of money. To whom as it is more convenient.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Has at least one dollar you earned disappeared from your account? If not, what kind of appropriation are we talking about?
andrew1-618 wrote
yes, completely all the money earned in a month) and for many people it was the income for which they supported their families. I'm not trying to cause self-pity, I just want people to know how wrong cgtrader is doing. If I also had to sell on the site as before, then I would register a foreign account and an account. But now I'm unlikely to ever use cgtrader.
Posted almost 2 years ago

So read it carefully too.
For some reason, most of the companies left the country normally, unlike some. I can understand cgtrader's solution, but they miscalculated a bit.
Think for yourself and rethink what is written there.
I don't rule out that I'm wrong about something, but you should think about it too. I wouldn't be surprised if I get blocked after such comments))
And of course, hello to technical support, well done guys :)

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
You write "For some reason, most of the companies left the country normally" Who is for example? Envato? I don't think so. Regarding your comments in general, just interesting, how many minutes (or even seconds) you would get a permanent ban if on 3ddd marketplace left a comment like this "3ddd has turned into a garbage dump and steals money, this is strictly my personal opinion"? : )
andrew1-618 wrote
No, wait If I break the rules of some site, I can certainly get banned. But when these rules are invented on the go and it is said that this is the right position, then it probably shows the site not from the best side. Let people choose what's best for them. After all, the company earns money from sellers. We could just say that within a week or a month we are leaving Russia and no longer cooperate with Russian and Belarusian artists. Then they paid their money and dispersed. I would have understood that. But to "steal" money and say that we know better how to dispose of your money. For example, transfer to another state and that's it, that's where your choice ends. This is not taken out of my head, but there is a correspondence with technical support. You can talk about this topic for a long time and come to nothing.
andrew1-618 wrote
You were confused by this wording from the very beginning of the dialogue. I do everything to make it comfortable for you to read my messages))
Posted almost 2 years ago

Another point regarding "for many people it was the income for which they supported their families".

You write about the loss of income to support families, and someone (and this huge number of people) lost families forever. Imagine the corpse of a child torn in half or someone's mother, father, uncle, aunt, sister or just a beloved long-known neighbor who was left without arms, legs, eyes but instead of houses a bunch of burnt garbage.

How can you write about "oh, I can't make money selling 3D models" considering everything that's going on?

Just don't talk about the satanic West. If for example, Apple is such a rotten and sodomite company why in Moscow until recently there were kilometer-long queues for a new iPhone model. Moreover, places in these queues were sold at a price many times higher than the cost of the device.

If in Latvia and Lithuania there are fascists everywhere and people who fiercely hate Russia, Russian language and any mention of anything Russian, why do popular media personalities from Russia have real estate there? Are they sado-mazo lovers?

We will not make detailed analyses of the current conflict. This is the task of the courts, political scientists, historians and military experts, but mentioning the loss of income in this situation is simply inappropriate in my opinion.

andrew1-618 wrote
Your position is clear and I have nothing against it. Somewhere I agree with something, somewhere I don't. If you started making sacrifices on the one hand, then don't forget that people are dying on both sides, I mean about civilians. And if you think that shells are not flying into our territory, then you are mistaken. Please don't think that all people here are stupid. You start talking about propaganda, about the bad West, etc. It's silly to think that people only watch propaganda. The situation is purely commercial, if we consider companies. And so everything can be summed up to the fact that cgtrader helped Russia in every possible way until the age of 22. I'm telling you about the attitude of the company to citizens, and you started turning on the TV for me.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
In response to a post about the corpses of children you write about a purely commercial situation. Are you serious? There are no words. In addition, for example you, your acquaintances, friends will distribute posts that CGTrader stole money from them. This will have an effect and CGTrader will close. In addition to this let's assume that in Lithuania it is very bad with good work and the entire CGT Support Team and other members will go to cook hamburgers, wash dishes and cars. And what? Does it finally make you feel better? And of course the fact that because of this residents of not only the USA or UK but also India, China and many other countries will lose income for their families will most likely not bother you, the main thing is revenge. Or it's not like that? If not, why send this spam about Artstation?
andrew1-618 wrote
man, tell me honestly - are you from technical support? a very strange dialogue arises.

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