are we allowed to transfer our money in hyperwallet to someone else's PayPal account, or it has to be only our own PayPal?

Discussion started by farshad-darcy

are we allowed to transfer our money in Hyperwallet to someone else's PayPal account, or it has to be only our own PayPal?


Posted 10 months ago

You may contact Hyperwallet support (not CGTrader). But as I know you may transfer to any Paypal or Bank account, including other people.

Abelian wrote
I previously used Payoneer under different name, thus I guess it will be possible to use Paypal too. But you have to write to Hyperwallet support.
Posted 10 months ago

Why don't you just try and set up a bank transfer to another PayPal account of a family member or friend and find out for yourself? It might be quicker than waiting for an answer from support.

farshad-darcy wrote
cause Hyperwallet is owned by PayPal, and we all know their terms of service are quite strict. so trying this might result in my account being banned or deactivated.
TazMan2000 wrote
You're probably right. I'm assuming that you want to do this to transfer funds to another family member and avoid potential tax implications, otherwise you would just transfer the money to another person via PayPal account to PayPal account. Most countries have tax treaties with one another and are trying to find ways of taxing money made online and also track potential money laundering activities. Perhaps simply asking Hyperwallet to see if you can do this, might red-flag your account for further investigation.
farshad-darcy wrote
I've already submitted an email to Hyperwallet support team inquiring mentioned subject, however haven't received any reply yet. and also non of your presumes are the case, the main reason is i ought to lend some money to someone whose PayPal account is from USA while my own is from UK; so I don't wanna double pay for PayPal exchange rate.
TazMan2000 wrote
Well, obviously my presumes are wrong now that you explained it.
Posted 9 months ago

Why shouldn't it be possible?

Posted 9 months ago

For anyone who is still wondering, yes it possible to use someone else's PayPal account. I know a couple of people who have done this

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