Hide models

Discussion started by hend-z

Is there a way to hide your own models ? I don't want to delete my models and I don't want to sell either, until this mess with the new payment system is sorted out, The only way for me to get paid is via bank transfers and that's not an option for me.


Posted 12 months ago

Write to support and ask to set the status -Suspended

igorkr wrote
This was a bad idea. I did this until I was sure that the new payment system worked for me. I asked support to restore my models for sale, but they completely disappeared. Now I don’t know if they will restore it or not. Wrote to support, silence for more than a day
igorkr wrote
All models have been returned to sale. Its OK now :)
Posted 12 months ago

Set the price to something high.

hend-z wrote
That a good Idea. thx
TazMan2000 wrote
Eventually this payment system will all get sorted out. I'm thinking CGT wanted to streamline the payment system as there are multiple ways of getting paid and it would be a hell of a lot easier if there was just one...but apparently this isn't going to work for everyone, so it's back to the old ways, until a new worldwide payment system is introduced. I wouldn't set your prices high. You're likely to lose interest or the customers will peg you as someone with outrageous prices. Why not just let your models sell like normal, and once this is rectified, you'd get a larger payout? If you set your prices high, what if a customer likes your model, but not the price, they would most likely go to another artist, and THAT artist could be the 'go to' seller for that customer.
Posted 12 months ago

@TazMan2000 Because it would be really frustrating to see my money and not be able to use it, I contacted CGT to ask them if they will keep Payoneer and they said no and the change is permanent, so what's the point to keep piling money that I can't use.

TazMan2000 wrote
@hend-z You can do a bank transfer from Hyperwallet.
hend-z wrote
I know but as I said in the original post, that's not an option for me, payoneer is convenient because you get the card.
TazMan2000 wrote
Sorry. I misread your post. I've seen your work. It's unfortunate for CGT that they will be losing a talented artist like you for this payment change.
hend-z wrote
Thank you for your kind word :)
Posted 12 months ago

The so-called Hyperwallet from PayPal is available to business customers through payouts, which means that you receive so-called collective payments via the website or marketplace cgtrader.com and these payouts must be activated through an application. Please ask your provider whether you are allowed to use these payouts (hyperwallet) with PayPal or whether you actually have to use Visa's hyperwallet.
----------------------- ------------- --- -------- -------
It's just a hobby, too complicated for me

3dmeshes wrote
P.s. new free models.

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