
Discussion started by M-H-F

I live in a country which is not support PayPal service hence hyper-wallet powered by PayPal.
So, I want to get payed by previous payment method which is Payoneer.

Please try to understand that there are many good CG Artist here from 3rd world country and Located Country where PayPal service/hyper-wallet powered by PayPal not support and legal yet, who are now thinking to leave this website for this type of forceful behavior of your.

You can not just force this on artist just because you may have some cash from them and agreement of marketing hyper-wallet.
This could leave even a worst review and very negative effect for hyper-wallet in future.

Please add payonner as a payout option as previous,
Add hyper-wallet and let people know about this method by showing notification about the benefits of this [hyper-wallet] on their account.
It will get famous day by day.
But not force it. You do not have the right to force this from nowhere, while payonner was working fine for decades.

[Also, let us know if CGTreader is hacked my some hacker organization]

Because this is not normal at all,
Where every other freelancing platform is OK with payonner / PayPal.

Stop this type of behavior, otherwise this will not only have a negative effect on Hyper-wallet but also on This beautiful freelancing platform which will long be forgotten ones known as CGTreader.


Posted 12 months ago

I fully support the author. I will wait a while and if nothing changes - I will leave this site, yes it will negatively affect my income, but I think that my regular customers will be able to find me on other sites. I think that all those who support the author should not stand aside and write comments in support of leaving us the ability to choose our own payment method.

M-H-F wrote
Thank you so much for agree with me. We need more voices like you guise and need a solution tho this nightmare we are going through. This was such a good outsourcing site. Some of my friend who work here suggested me this website and said - I leave fiverr because of how simple it is to find work here. But now after seeing the payment method f**ed up for no reason they really considering going back to fiverr and search luck there and other website. I was also thinking about to start freelancing here, but this is such a bad condition which nullify everything good about this beautiful outsourcing site. I pray and hope CGTreader fix this madness and forcible behavior @All CGTreader Team. Pls try to understand our condition for god sake.
TazMan2000 wrote
I support you. I can understand a website wanting to simplify its administration of payouts by going with just one system, but the way this was implemented was a surprise to most. What CGT should have done is alert people at least 4-6 months ago that they are going with the new system, so members could investigate Hyperwallet and see if they wanted to go with it or not. The website has the right to change anything it likes whether it is for the better or not, but the artists should have been given a chance to cash in their final payments if they chose not to move to Hyperwallet. In addition, the way they ramrodded the A.I. thing through was disgraceful by arbitrarily changing the licenses to AI without consent. I certainly hope CGT pays out all of these artists who can't access Hyperwallet in their countries, and not just holds onto the funds indefinitely.
zabotlama wrote
Wow - I would never believe that somebody oriented on jewelry models can be such successful like you - 938 customer reviews and 221192 reputation points. In other words your account must be extremely profitable for CGT and if you will be forced to leave this site - CGT will loose a lot of money. I think that artists like you would deserve bigger respect and CGT should revert its decision about cancelling multiple payments methods. It looks like CGT needs no more money from perspective artists.
Posted 12 months ago

It's all been said before, more than once and CGTrader has shown its true colors. The site is finished and there's no point in getting upset. Just change sides and you're good. The buyers will come on their own when everyone changes. cgtrader has chosen his fate himself and has to live with it.

Posted 12 months ago

What I don't understand is that all websites similar to CGT offer at least 2 payment method. If it's an exclusivity thing, I think CGT will lose more money because sellers leaving the platform than it will gain with this exclusivity deal.

Posted 11 months ago

I don't know about Hyperwallet but the thing about Payoneer I don't like is that you need to have at least $150 in your Payoneer account in order to make a withdrawal to your local bank. If you have $149 in Payoneer, you cannot transfer a single dollar from Payoneer to your local bank.

olalevo wrote
It's strange. I withdraw from my Payoneer account to my bank in Ukraine the amount from $25.
Posted 11 months ago

Hello . Withdrawing money through the new PayPal payment system does not work for me. Please stop withdrawing money to this wallet.
Payoneer has a very responsive support team and they have been operating in Ukraine for a long time. Any issues are resolved very quickly. I have several Payoneer cards. It is very convenient for me to transfer money through the internal payoneer system, and I do not pay any interest. I'm sure all Ukrainian artists use payoneer. PayPal has never entered the Ukrainian market; its functions are extremely limited. It seems to me that the PayPal hyperwallet will extremely limit the ability of artists to receive money, in addition, there is an element of discrimination here, since the hyperwallet provides different opportunities to artists from different countries. I am sure that many artists will face great problems with withdrawing money, and for some it will become completely impossible. Especially considering the extremely negative reviews about this wallet. Please offer several ways to withdraw money. How cults3d did it. Initially they had PayPal, but at the request of the artists they also made withdrawals through Payoneer. This gave me the opportunity to work on this platform. I sincerely love cgtrader, but it makes no sense for me to work with such a money withdrawal system. I have worked a lot on cgtrader and I think your site is the best. It pains me that I could stop working on your platform and lose such an important income for me during such difficult times. Give people a choice. Let artists choose what they feel comfortable using.

3DRTcom wrote
This looks like a "support" program for Ukrainian artists :(
Posted 11 months ago

I just read great news. turbosquid has added a second withdrawal system via payoneer. I haven’t used it before due to the inability to withdraw money to payoneer. I wonder why other sites expand the possibilities for withdrawing money, but cgtrader narrows them.

3d-bug wrote
Moreover, after removing all my models from here, I quickly found several alternatives with many payment options, including Payoneer, regular PayPal, Stripe, etc. (Btw sales there is much better). Bye bye, CGT!
Posted 11 months ago

Hyperwallet - MINIMUM commission of $7.7 for EACH transfer. A system that my bank does not directly support.
Everything was great with Payoneer. The current solution is terrible.
Very disappointed in CGT.

olalevo wrote
Sorry "-" accidentally )
Posted 11 months ago

I agree with the author.
If the system of paying author's royalties via Payoneer is not returned, I will be forced to leave cgtrader. I don't sell much on this platform, but I think there are many like me.

Posted 11 months ago

One more thing on top of this- cgtrader always had a nice customer service and i always could receive good support BUT recently cgtrader support team seems to completely ignore any of my questions regarding payouts, hyperwallet etc. I have issues with my transactions and can't receive any reply for days! Does anyone else has this issue? CGTrader, what's going on??

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