Selling About

Discussion started by cagriaytart

Sales are generally going well. There are always sales on Cgtrader even if some months the earnings are down. Sales continue. What are you thinking?


Posted about 2 years ago

Sales are not going anywhere for me but then I've joined a week ago and have a sum total of 2 models in the shop :)
I work in a niche, design of 3D spaces for retail so I'll have to see if it "goes" at all.

jonjensen wrote
For me it took around one year before I got the first sale (and man a thrill it gave). It might not take a year for you, but you need more models and allot of patience.
Posted about 2 years ago

There's an encouraging remark. Well, at least more models are coming.

Ps. loved your smoked joint model!

Posted about 2 years ago

good for you, it took me 6 month to got my first sale, now i only sold almost 1 model per month & still struggling

Posted about 2 years ago

The sales thing is strange, in this month I have sold many models before Black Friday and Cyber Monday, during these events I have only sold 2 models... it doesn't make much sense to me...

But in general, cgtrader is growing, sales go up every month, and compared to every year, it also grows in members, there are more sellers and buyers, more freelance projects that are not a scam... at least that's my experience.

As they say, look for specific sales niches and focus on producing those models, keep them updated and try to continue uploading models regularly. (sorry if you already do all this)

Kind regards!

Posted about 2 years ago

I think it all comes down to the number of models. It is difficult to sell a lot with a small number of models. And you have to be very patient to sell. You can't win if you give up early.

Posted about 2 years ago

The number of models is of course important, but in my opinion the quality is still more important. Plan "Hmm, if I make 10 thousand models of stools and even if only 1% of them are bought every month, this is already very good. Damn, and if I make 100 thousand stools, I will become a stool magnate and maybe even buy old Rolls-Royce" of course attractive for its simplicity, but again in my opinion very bad, naive and stupid. It's sad that some sellers don't even want to try to do something really cool, but instead focus on 2$ models created in half an hour.

As for sales, in general it's a good thing, but only if your model costs at least 25$. Why make a 50% discount on a model with a price of 4$?

Posted about 2 years ago

The reason I say increase your model number is for new users. It's not for those who don't have any models

Posted about 2 years ago

Since last week I started uploading more 3d models. Yesterday I got my first sale ($3.64 profit), it's really just about uploading models for the right niche.

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