Stolen models

Discussion started by VityaB

This user is selling ripped models from Call of Duty The rest are most likely ripped aswell from other games.


Posted 9 months ago

There are lots of scammers and false "so called" artists on the platform :( I had to make a long conversation one of the sellers who stole some of my models and sell them as their own. Thankfully CGTrader team dealed with him and removed my models on his store page.

TazMan2000 wrote
You would think that the thief would have been banned entirely.
MrEye wrote
I don't know that he's banned or not actually. I once checked his store page after i talked with the support center and just saw the stolen models are removed. I don't know what happened next and i forgot his username, so can't check again :D But i hope he won't do that again...

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