Tags and Searches

Discussion started by zuhan

What is up with the searches recently? I search Anime and get nothing but Animals. The Animal models don't even have the Anime tag so why do I keep getting nothing but animals?


Posted about 1 month ago

It's a wonderful world of "advanced search algorithms" also known as (or they just call it...) AI.

Posted 28 days ago

Search function seems to be completely broken, or at least highly ineffective no matter what you search for.
As a test, I tried searching for a product I found (product page open), and the search function couldn´t find it even though I used the exact title from the product page.
As a someone purchasing a lot of models, it´s highly annoying - as a vendor it´s really bad for business.

Posted 21 days ago

They have messed up this website in every possible way they can.

Posted 17 days ago

I agree with Kuchipuck3d, none of the tags works anymore

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