Verification score dropped significantly after adding more formats

Discussion started by Gryffin3D

My character models have pretty consistent sales and they used to have 90%+ verification score. Recently I uploaded one additional format of the same models (uasset) and suddenly my verification scores dropped to 23%. The models have the exact same mesh, polycounts, they are pretty much the same except I created a uasset so they can be directly pulled into UE without havig to import and set up a rig inside.

The question is:

- Why does the verification score drop, it is clearly some kind of mistake that the same exact models that used to have 90+ score suddenly drop to 23.
- How can this possibly effect my sales if it even does
- What can I do to fix it if it effects my sales (we are talking about models here that I have consistent sales on for many years now)
- I know verification score is something new and only visible to me, but I don't know anything about how it works or what does it effect, because I am fairly sure it has at least some effect on the search.

I would appreciate any insight on this.


Posted over 1 year ago

hover your mouse over the 'red' issues and click 'learn more'. If you still dont understand the documentation then paste here what you need help with specifically.

Posted over 1 year ago

It's not your fault, verification process is buggy as hell. Cgtrader is essentially alpha testing the feature on live models and there's not much you can do about it, appart from reporting the issues to the support team.

Posted over 1 year ago

Also looks like its bugged at the moment. I uploaded 4 updated models today and its showing red - fbx in binary, wrong - its definately binary fbx. Red - power of 2 textures, wrong all my textures are power of 2. I got a 0% score lol. Nearly everything it mentions is wrong so its obviously broken.

3DCargo wrote
Interestingly enough one of the 'requirements' is no lights/cameras in the scene. Which is fair enough for a model but when you want to sell product/archviz scenes this poses a problem. I think its more of a validation for you incase you forget something, I dont see it affecting sales. But who knows, the way things have changed recently maybe that could be an issue in the future, my crystal ball is a bit dusty.
LemonadeCG wrote
I think the worst thing about this verification system is how cgtrader has decided to implement it and communicate it to the designers. I mean they dropped this thing on our heads in a state which clearly is not ready to go public and there's literally zero explanations on how it works, or what's its effect on our models. You say you don't think it would affect our sales, but i don't think that cgtrader would significantly invest their time and effort into something that only would be an educational tool for designers. I think the goal is to promote better models to customers and i think this is great, but the tool need to work flawlessly and not wreak havoc on our models.
3DCargo wrote
Yeah actually that does make sense, from reading the documentation it says "The CGTrader Quality Standard's verification status is visible only to sellers for now." For 'now' certainly indicates that its going to be public eventually. I think its great too however my only issue is with 2 standards. No embedded textures - I prefer my Blender and FBX files to be embedded since lots of people who use FBX often complain about 'missing textures', if it works first time on import then usually no complaints. Not sure if thats the case with Blender users but I often like to download embedded Blender scenes too when checking stuff out so I dont need to bother with paths, thats a personal preference of mine and I dont really think it should be a requirement, just a suggestion, maybe Im wrong. The second issue is the lights/cameras, there should be an option to say if this is a lit and ready scene or if its just a product/model. Ive had cases where customers have complained that the lighting wasnt included, even though it was in the description that the lights/cameras are not included. So now I do include lighting/cameras for full render sets like interiors/exteriors, but again this give me 'fail' for that requirement.
Posted over 1 year ago

I believe they want to use it for automatic export to various (native) software file formats. But this can only work for basic objects which use ONLY the required maps, does not need subdivison, transparency, rigging etc.
Basically TS StemCell but worse.
If they want a category for simple, easy to import models why not, but forcing it on a whole site with effect on ranking of your models is another nail in the coffin of this site.

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