What a new artist can do on this site

Discussion started by Hypetech-3d

i am a new user in cgtrader and i have a collection of low poly models. the situation of new artists on this site is very difficult, nobody knows you, nobody knows your address. The site doesn't help you at all. it is very difficult to get new visitors. how can people make money like this. I love doing this job, but this situation makes me very sad.



Posted over 2 years ago

Actually cgtrader is one of the most if not the most friendly marketplace to the new sellers. Their search algorithms are biased towards new models, they have trending models section on the first page and they have reputation system, on which you can work to increase your visibility in the site. But all that doesn't mean that you can simply upload your models and expect a ton of sales to happen, you need to work quite hard to promote your models and to increase their visibility, otherwise tey will drown in the surge of thousands of models that are uploaded by other sellers everyday. Thing is that cgtrader gives you the tools to work on your visibility and that's not the case on other marketplaces, where usually you are left completely on your own.

Aliosa wrote
i got clients come on this site and bought more models than i sold myself. cgtrader should kiss my furry ass :)))
Posted over 2 years ago

All recommendations from here https://www.cgtrader.com/forum/selling-buying-3d-models/what-do-you-think-of-my-models have been ignored by you.
Instead of adding at least the simplest rig and adding variety to the collection you persistently continue to change the color of sneakers, trousers and shirt dreaming of getting into the top. Good luck.

Hypetech-3d wrote
I carefully studied what you wrote. what you wrote is so true As i said before my goal is not to sell male body and female body, my purpose is to sell clothes. So I combined different dresses and different bodies to give customers more ideas
Posted over 2 years ago

I didn't look at your dashboard page before. So it seems that basically you have only two models with bunch of texture variations and both of them are available as free models. Not sure how you're expecting to sale anything then.

Posted over 2 years ago

actually my goal is not to sell male body and female body, my purpose is to sell clothes. When you look at my collection you will see that there are a lot of dresses I combined different dresses and different bodies to give customers more ideas.I don't expect them all to be sold.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Why duplicate the same sneakers, shirts in different colors? Well in general it's up to you of course you can upload one shirt with all Pantone colors, RAL, etc. only earnings will be zero.
Hypetech-3d wrote
Actually, my goal is to reach more people in a cheaper way.I don't want to make a package and make its sale price over $100-$150 it's very easy for me to make a dress or a body. Different people and different clothes buy whatever they want I don't want to sell an expensive package to anyone
Hypetech-3d wrote
You need to know exactly what hyper casual games need, they want different colors and different combinations.
3DCargo wrote
I'm sure what @jaguarbeastproduction is saying is that most people who purchase the model (or download it free like @LemonadeCG said) can change the color themselves. If you want to sell clothing then make unique clothing items for each character, that would be useful for people looking for clothing.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Why insert everywhere "Low-poly 3d model with 4 outfit + basemesh". Isn't all this obvious without additional text notifications? Why are there no wireframe renders in paid models? I don’t even want to write anything about the cheap way etc, obviously that everything is useless. With such stubbornness you will have to wait for earnings for a very very long time.
Hypetech-3d wrote
There is no sale where there are no visitors anyway, this is the point you missed. Make as many new models as you want, make different dresses. What we're talking about here is not my selling. New users are not getting visitors. This is what I want to discuss here
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
If the model has cool renders and a high level of modeling/texturing (or at least interesting idea) and good, interesting description there will definitely be views, likes, comments and purchases. It's not a problem. The problems with newcomers are completely different.
Forester wrote
Yes, it is very true that most people purchasing a model set here can easily change colors and textures themselves. So, it is not wise to offer tens of packages where the main difference is the color of clothing parts. Also, do you have the skill/knowledge to rig these characters? They are much more likely to sell if rigged. If your primary purpose is to sell "clothing" varieties, then it would be best to state this in the product title. Instead of "Male cartoon character with 4 outfit VR / AR / low-poly 3d model" that conveys the idea that you are selling a "Male cartoon character," title your products something like "Clothing For Male Cartoon Characters - Package 1." And then offer more packages. This type of title automatically focuses the reader's attention on the clothing, instead of on the character. Everyone starts out as a new person here. As others have said, the primary way to attract attention to your work is to have many different, high quality products in the store. This is the only way to acquire a good reputation among likely purchasers. So, a good path forward for you would be to delete about half of those products you currently have, and replace them with some that have significantly different clothing styles. Then, add maybe a few more characters, and if possible, make the characters be rigged. Every person or studio purchasing characters would prefer to buy a rigged character over a non-rigged character. If you don't have the knowledge, skills or software capable of making a rigged character, and if your intent is to sell "clothing", consider hiring someone to rig one or two of your characters for you. You'll only have to make this investment once, and your characters are so simple that it should not cost a lot to have a skilled person rig one of these.
Posted over 2 years ago

how long have you been selling in ccgtrader? i've been more than a year & my first sale was on my 6th month, suck, doesn't it? lol

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
No, it doesn't suck and if you create models of the same complexity (I don't know maybe from some similar universe or just concepts) there would be much more sales.
Posted over 2 years ago

Dansell3D, the more I look at your offerings, the more I believe you are hurting yourself with just the product title alone. The titles of your products clearly focus attention on the character, that is the same across all products. It makes your offereing seem as if you have only a single product - the male character - and have simply duplicated it tens of times - many duplicate products. Consider changing the title to focus on differences in clothing, if that is your real intent. If left unchanged, you give the impression of a not-very-creative model-builder.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
You just don't understand anything about hyper casual games. ))
Hypetech-3d wrote
I tried to give an idea to the customer by making many different options. A customer does not have to buy all of them, he can buy the model which he likes. It doesn't matter if my models are sold or not. The only thing i want here, as a new artist i am not getting any visitors. That's the problem. A model that is not already listed, is not sold.. @jaguarbeastproduction do you understand my problem
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
I'm tired. Obviously there is no point in explaining anything and continuing this discussion.
Posted over 2 years ago

Why would you want visitors to your page if they aren't gonna buy anything? I doubt people will visit your page to enjoy looking at your stuff and I am not saying your stuff is bad or anything! Buyers are searching for specific model which will save them time and money. If they can quickly and simple model it themselves my friend....they will. Most people here have offered you some good advice...take it on board...develop your skills and learn new things, learn from your mistakes and keep improving but most of all be humble!

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