What do you think about recently increased number of NFT projects ?

Discussion started by Blender-Arcturus

Although I am trying to get into NFT thing, I don't really liike the whole thing and I find it overwhelming to see all these NFT projects for 50-100 dollars. They will at least double that price while selling the NFT's that they paid random artists to create. Some say they will own all the rights etc. for the created work. I mean, what is the point of selling NFT's if you don't create them. Furthermore, they can't even bother giving credits to the artist and act like they created them. I wonder what do you think about this whole thing and CGTrader's future. Is our projects tab gonna be filled with cheap NFT projects ? Also I am aware that I am little salty about the whole thing. I don't mean to offend anyone, I respect all the artist and creators. I wish I could be good enough to create NFT's like them.


Posted about 3 years ago

Hello. I think NFT has classic Pyramid Scheme core. They spend big money to create a hype yes but let's be honest: you need to spend money(about $100) to get into NFT the system. I'm not an expert and can believe somebody makes good money but 99% of the artists just trying give they $100 back.

Posted about 3 years ago

Hi! It is too soon to say the future. This thing is just getting started, it is like a gold rush.
There are people getting scammed and tricked, but also there are talented artists, in the long run the gold still has value, it is just not clear for everybody.
I suggest you to keep doing what you like (3d modeling) and through time get better at it, as well as trying your own NFT projects. Remeber that giving value to others is always the key to succes and to make money.
Personally I had a good experience working for others NFT projects, but from start I am very blunt on the price of my work, as well as to create a network to do more projects in the future.

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