What does it mean if "not for commercial use" is written in the description for assets whose license type is Royalty Free?

Discussion started by fluffyginger

What does it mean if "not for commercial use" is written in the description for assets whose license type is Royalty Free? Will it cause a problem if I use these assets for commercial purposes based on the Royalty Free statement stated by the site?


Posted 10 months ago

Not for commercial use means not for commercial use. There will be problems and perhaps not only with the seller.

Posted 10 months ago

If seller wants to override parts of standard royalty license, he must chose custom license. If royalty free license is chosen, it is applicable to the letter and it doesn't matter what is written in asset's description. But if you want to be 100% sure about that, you should contact the support and ask for clarification instead of trusting random guy's explanation on the forum.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
But the number of items sold under a royalty-free license (and their ratio with number items with other types of licenses) suggests that most sellers are not very concerned about this moment.
LemonadeCG wrote
I agree with you. It seems that majority of sellers, as well as customers, have very basic and often wrong understandment about licensing and often act on their feeling what is right or legal.

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