Why male nude models are stripped of their genitals?

Discussion started by zjdoliver

I'm curious why male 3d models lack genitalia? I find many more female 3d models than male (hmm). Being a student of human anatomy for my studies there seems to be a trend for "artists" to either be forced/intimidated not include them or possibly intentionally leaving them out for personal reasons/issues. Why put so much energy in such amazing and detailed work and leave an essential part of the human anatomy out? Very odd.


Posted 10 months ago

Apparently, only you have problems (and I'm not about searching models) and not artists whom you for some unknown reason, mentioned in quotes.

Posted 10 months ago

Majority of the human models are made for general purposes and not anatomy study. Both male and female models don't have gentitals because it woud be a waste of time and polygons since that part of anatomy will be invisible in final product anyway.
If you're really keen about the anatomy, you can find a number of models that serve this purpose. From genitals to full body anatomy...

Posted 10 months ago


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