Buying 3D model, selling it rigged

Discussion started by kolafi

Hello everyone,
I am moderately expirienced rigger and I am trying to start freelancing. However I am pretty new to this whole trading space, so my question is this... are modeler/rigger collaborations common here ? Specifically the rigger reaching out to modeler about their existing work and proposing to rig it and get some payment for it ? I suppose it's not possible to just buy model and then sell it again rigged ?


Posted over 1 year ago

Would you like it if someone bought your licensed work, made a slight improvement on it and then sold it for profit?

kolafi wrote
Of course not. However I was confused by the added value to it. Its shame there is no way for now to split the two ... so that the rig can be bought on its own and be added to the model... like a DLC to a game or something. Anyway thanks for the answer.
Posted over 1 year ago

Reaching someone with proposal of collaboration is welcomed, buying someone's model, then modifying and reselling it, is strictly prohibited.

kolafi wrote
Thank you.
Posted over 1 year ago

you can collaborate on RH officially, but I doubt it´s welcome. However, officially possible with official tools on their website.
However, generally speaking , people who make good chars make the rigs in a quite short time since it´s the target-straight. If they animate
they go higher with $. However, the whole work like 90% of time efforts happens in concept, modelling, mapping and texturing. So if you like the share at 10% just for "rigging" something... go ahead and ask people if you find "unrigged" characters. Hence, character artists don´t need any "collaborators", I am afraid you have a wrong "business model" in your mind that can´t work on marketplaces. BUT! it could work if you apply as a rigger in big studios, but you would need to have a mega-talent in that and lots of showable industry experience, and you would have to be very quick and always perfect with rigging anything, ANYTHING, also "monsters" with 23 legs and 7 heads.

Posted about 1 year ago


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