Does anyone know the original creator of this costume? or where I could get it to buy it.

Discussion started by AmazingRenders

I need the original, to buy it legally and not have legal problems. The person who tested negative on this must be a bit out of his mind, read first.

He won't let me upload the photo of the suit, unfortunately the owner of the suit lost a sale because of the person who reported this ...


Posted about 3 years ago


Unsure if it's in the format you need.

LemonadeCG wrote
Your effort to help is commendable, but you shouldn't post links to warez sites.
AmazingRenders wrote
Tazman200 Thanks for the help, but I need to buy the original because it is for a commercial project, and I don't want to get into legal trouble.
Posted about 3 years ago

I just did an image search and the link was the only result. I wasn't aware it was a warez site.

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