freelance project customer not announce the end of the project

Discussion started by rhyton


My client defined me a project

And I did all the customer's wishes for him

But at the end of the series there are a number of demands that have not been made to me for the first time

And do not announce the end of the project for the same reason

This is the project text


Indycar 2019 Description

Need 3d Modeling and photoshop 2019 Indycar 3d model with 2 configurations Speedway and Road with options of Led box operatable and not led box to apply a number High detailed Layered template 4096 x 4096 to be able to paint for each individual driver and apply silver as a layer, carbon layer for the car itself game ready Helmet with with high detailed layered template Driver with hans device with layered template Movable arms Driver and helmet would have to fit into car and have movable arms in 3d simed


And I've done all the desires

Then he wanted me a template texture

And again, though from the first

It did not tell me this

I did it for him

But he tells me again that this is not enough and I have to do other things for him

What should I do ?


Posted almost 6 years ago

1. request 50% upfront.

2. make a contract for all works sent/received.

3. request payment.

4. ultimately if both parties are not happy drop the client.

rhyton wrote
Thanks for the reply But I do not know how to do these things on the site request 50% upfront. 2. request payment. 3. how drop client.
Posted almost 6 years ago

I would just ask them for 50% up front, give them you bank account to send the money to.

request payment - ask for money.

drop the client - tell them you will not work for them

rhyton wrote
I do not understand that the customer has poured all the money into the site account, so I think you have to give me money I've done all the work now and you can check
Posted almost 6 years ago

not sure what this means. I cant check the link you sent it doesnt load.

rhyton wrote
rhyton wrote
This project is in my account And I do not know how to show this to you

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