game ready $$$ versus render ready $$$

Discussion started by 3dgtx

I know we could write tons of books, have heated discussions or write multiple TB heavy doc files about our feelings, analyzing the matter in multiple ways, etc., but I am just asking about an A or B answer in your own case.

If you are a GENERALIST knowing and doing both, game ready and render ready, or realtime vs. offline, or lowpoly vs. highpoly, or how in this world you call it in your own articulation, no matter what kind of contents exactly you do, hence, no matter if organic stuff or non-organic, no matter if for *next gen* or *last gen*..... simply enlight me with the probably most important insight for every *profit oriented* vendor please, what makes you (personally) more money?

I don´t have enough long-term data to make own certain conclusions.

When you are offering 50% game assets and 50% render ready assets in your folio on CGT, what gives you more dollars on the end of the month?


Posted almost 2 years ago

Well, these are business secrets. Who will reveal them)))

In my opinion, it is best to choose one niche, one direction and try to become the best in it. Everything is easy ^_^
well almost everything))

Posted almost 2 years ago

Nobody is asking about business secrets.
An answer, *my highpolys make me more money*, is not a revelation of a secret.
A revelation would contain the WHY do they make more and HOW to achieve that.
But I already wrote, nobody is asking about the why and how.
Just a summary, A versus B for someone.

Posted almost 2 years ago

If that question was asked ~10 years ago it would be a reasonable one.
IMHO, right now any *profit oriented* vendor should not think of investing time in making 3d models for sale at all.
If you have something done for a project and it's 99% ready for sale, sure.. go ahead, otherwise it's a waste of time.

3dgtx wrote
most profit oriented vendors produce contens only for stock asset marketplaces and many live with it or even from it very well, still and even in 2023, not 10 years ago.
trimitek wrote
I know some of them, they invest a lot and hardly break even at the end. And don't forget that AI generated 3d models are around the corner.
3dgtx wrote
AI generated 3d models are not a serious danger to vendors currently. Human thiefs and hackers are. You may request a NOAI tag at CGT support if the dumb as bread AI is so dangeous for you.
trimitek wrote
Thieves already destroyed the 3d market a few years ago - at least the profitable one. I don't think of AI is a threat, it is something that we should adapt to, but it will change everything sooner than you think.
3dgtx wrote
Dude :-) come down. The question was lowpoly vs. highpoly, not Human vs. AI. And by the way - 2023. Not 10 years ago, not in 10 years.
trimitek wrote
Sorry for giving you the answer that you were not looking for. Feel free to drop me a line a few years later to tell me how well you live from making 3d models for sale ; )
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
And why everyone is so afraid of this fucking AI. Appearance of libraries such as Megascans, Chaos Scans, etc., cause a collapse, a drop in income and a wave of suicides among bankrupt designers? No. But some program code suddenly has to change everything very soon, and globally. Well-well.
3dgtx wrote
I personally work in the development since 1998....and still am working with some of the most innovative developers together in software development. If AI would scare off our asses to ashes we all would already start to retrain to confectionery workers. And btw, yes, there is a profit to make on stock asset platforms, not in "few years later" trimitek, but NOW. However, I reject to debate what will, can, or may happen "very soon" on this forum. If someone is simply not interested in the sales comparison than he/she should behave 1 to 1 proportional to his/her disinterest.
trimitek wrote
Not sure why you both got so triggered by the AI part, but anyways. I'm sure you are all making big money from selling 3D models as of now and think that it will only get better. Well I walked that way already. See you on the other side. (btw just for info - I'm on the 3d stock market almost from the start)
3dgtx wrote
I only can quote myself here: "I don´t have enough long-term data to make own certain conclusions." Hence, I got your message, *no matter what you do, let it be.* - you made your statement, Thank You!
trimitek wrote
You are welcome. Good luck!
3dgtx wrote
I can see and feel your frustration trimitek but giving up isn´t existent in my DNA, and also not within my circles of people I make business with since so long. I only can give you an advise on your way, the best and most important skill a good designer and developer can have is the inhouse-ability and an infinite will to solve problems on a permanent basis. Design, development, arts, is all about solving problems, *selling it* too. This marketplace business is of course also full of problems, but as said already, it´s on every vendor to bite them apart in order to be successfull. I am quite new on marketplaces since I was working like 15-20 h per day during so many years on projects since the *last century"*... never having enough time for those stock asset platforms. So, you´re in advantage here. But I´ve already learned a lot and know pretty well that also these vertical is controllable if knowing how. Sometimes asking the right questions.... has more value than a dumb, hard work into the dark. Without *research* it´s always hard to achieve anything. However, I also wish you good luck, on whatever an *true designer* is ready and willing to do to survive (taxi driving?). Cheers.
trimitek wrote
I guess I didn't expressed myself very well. I'm not frustrated, I'm still making money doing what I love (3D) and will continue to do so. It's not about giving up on 3D... The thing is, the returns ($) for the time invested in making 3d models specifically for sale is extremely low compared to the one invested in working for paid projects. Just record the time you put in this and the profit you made and calculate it for yourself. I'll be glad if you prove me wrong, do your research and make a lot of money, but my long-term data in this field tells me it's highly unlikely. Don't give up though, there are always exceptions. Maybe you will be one of them : )
Posted almost 2 years ago

Considering my sales on an another account on Squid I made like 99% with game assets only, despite of a very mixed portfolio. Hope it was helpful.

3dgtx wrote
Best thanks!
Posted almost 2 years ago

I am probably not the right man to answear because my portfolio is not mixed 50-50.
Maybe something similar to this topic - I have mostly high-poly not textured models. But if I do also textured PBR version of the model it sells not more than the untextured version. I would even say that textured version is selling less than untextured. But probably this is very individual and it depends on specific portfolio of every artist so it is not possible to do any result from it.
Probably my customers buy models because of the shape and modelling and they maybe prefer that not textured model is better editable for them and they adjust it and texture it them self to their needs.

3dgtx wrote
That´s a very interesting insight, best thanks! I often asked myself why I even go this looooong way with game assets instead of doing high polys only (with plain materials), but was unsure what attracts more potential buyers, a mesh with plain materials (cheap and quick mapped), or a perfectly render-ready "one click solution" for all kinds of renderers (Vray, Corona, etc etc etc). Now I know at least your insight in this matter, that´s helpful already. let´s see if some other folks have similar experiences.
Posted almost 2 years ago


TheGoodBrick wrote
De verdad es tan necesario que spamees asi?
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
A link to warez-site as proof of another user's theft? Seriously? Source:
tobiasrieper wrote
How about stop trying to be the smartest ass here on the forum and not writing about things that you dont have idea what they are ? 3docean isnt a warez site.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Right ^_^ 3docean is not warez. But site to which you gave the link (in which the button leads to download zip-archive) is a real fuckin warez-site. So just shut up and don't be a jerk!
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
And why are you spamming with this link on all topics?,, Is this your method of fighting thieves and spammers? Are you fucking crazy at all or what?

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