How to delete model?

Discussion started by tomislavveg

I have some old models which are of lesser quality then my current skill level is, and i would love to remove them from my shop since i believe they might only damage my sales and work opportunities. But i can't find option how to delete them.


Posted over 6 years ago

Normally you have a cross sign next to every model but when you signed agreement for the new analytic system then those cross signs will disappear for minimal 6 months I believe.

New uploads should normally not be affected?

tomislavveg wrote
Oh... I should have read those agreements more carefully :-/
Posted over 6 years ago

Yes, It came when you signed new analytic system. This a strange option, because nobody deletes good selling model that brings CGTrader profits. We most often want to delete models that weigh us (CGTrader too) down, not good models.

Posted over 6 years ago

You can just replace your old model with new, just click "edit" and remove all files from it, then upload new files and add new description. So, it's better because you will have all likes saved with new model. :)

lykomodels wrote
Damn, Let me just say. You are a genius. Thank You
ugurmete91 wrote
Sounds like a clear win-win. Cgtrader wants to keep the selling models in rotation but doesn't have a mechanism to define what is selling and what is, well, 'garbage'.
bitigart wrote
very very good idea, smart designer
musaworks wrote
Thank u so much ! cgtrader GOAT
Posted over 5 years ago

Unfortunately this does nothing to solve the inadvertent uploading of the same model. So now I have a duplicate and no way to delete it...

Posted over 5 years ago

i dont know

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