How to link missing textures Cinema 4D (obj, mtl)

Discussion started by jiehubbiuopee

Hello. I've just purchased ship model. I have .obj, .mtl and the textues folder. But when i'm trying to open obj in Cinema 4D R19 the model has no textures, everything has just black color. Please help me to fitx it.


Posted over 6 years ago

I think you should try this C4D script :
Select all your objects and materials, launch the script and it will ask you to locate the mtl file and when it's done it will place correctly all the textures.

If it's still not working you can go in each materials, see the texture name of each one and reimport it manually.
I hope it will help you

Posted over 3 years ago

Have you solved the problem? I've got the same issue and can't find a way to solve this.

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