Joint Profit Option

Discussion started by bicker424

CG Trader has some of the best character models on the world wide web, but those character models can only be animated if a rigging artist binds them to a skeleton and assembles all of the necessary tools, something which not all modeling artists specialize in. At the same time, whether the model was bought and paid for or was free to download (and which may also be put up for sale at some point), all rigging artists would likely love to make the models they work on to be available for animators to download and use for their own projects.

That is why it would be mutually beneficial for both modeling and rigging artists if CG Trader had the option of splitting the profits of a rig that's put up for sale between the original modeling artist and the rigger. This would not be limited to modelers and riggers either; character modelers and texture artists, or riggers and animators, or environment modelers and rendering specialists could split the profits of what they sell together too.

Not only can joint profit options be mutually beneficial for two or more skillset parties, but it can even allow artists to form nearly a whole team either locally or from all around the world for 3D art projects.

If this is of interest to you, let's discuss it further.

- Lee "Bicker424" Bicker


Posted about 5 years ago

+1 Very much need split payment on model level @ CGTrader.

bicker424 wrote
Thank you, Polygonal-Miniatures (Sorry for the delayed response, I never received any notification email).
Posted over 4 years ago

This is an excellent idea. I hope that the developer team can really look into this, since it will be beneficial to all parties involved.

Posted over 4 years ago

Hello there,

Thank you for your feedback.

Your suggestion has been passed further along to review as it sounds like a really interesting idea.

All the best,
Justas from CGTrader

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