Post-apocalyptic character

Discussion started by maticeee

Hello, guys!
I'd like to share my latest model - post-apocalyptic gas-masked character
tell me what you think :)



Posted over 4 years ago

He looks great. Reminds me of the Half Life 2 characters, and some of the first HDR renders with those models back in the day. Excellent modeling and texturing on the character.

maticeee wrote
thanks, man! you're not the first one to find similarity with half-life characters, friend of mine said the same thing :)
luxxeon wrote
You're very welcome. I'm really impressed especially with the lighting and detail. I can tell you put in some work here. Back in 2005, when Paul Debevec made his Siggraph presentation on HDR, he started off the show with some images created by then teenager, Nick Bertle, who had rendered famous Half Life 2 characters with the new lighting technology called HDRI. Needless to say, the renders blew away everyone in the room, and the images made their way around every forum on the internet. Those famous renders are what really got the ball rolling for both Bertle and Debevec that year, and everyone was interested in adopting HDR into their workflow after that. haha.

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