
Discussion started by RichardHomola

I've spend some time browsing this site and I was pretty surprised a few times when I saw what prices people put on their stuff. Do you guys realize, that you won't sell a non-rigged lowpoly character for $150 because there are lots of cheaper alternatives? What's the point of selling an average quality model with no specials for a few hundreds bucks? If you make one sale then will you be happy? Can you imagine that if you set the price to 1/5 of it, then you could make 10+ times more sales and therefore much more money?

I think many people don't think about the maths (like the bigger companies, but that's another story). If you sell something expensive, then you can expect none or very few sales. But if you sell it cheaper, then more people are likely to buy it.


Posted over 11 years ago

What is the price to be acceptable?
What is the value of a dollar for you?
Is the value of a dollar was same around the world?
Who decide to the price?
Do we know how many times will be sold a model with the price?

Posted over 11 years ago

What is the price to be acceptable?
This depends more on the buyer. For you as a seller, it's the price of the time you spent with the model, considering the expected amount of sales.

What is the value of a dollar for you?
Is the value of a dollar was same around the world?
No it's not the same but this applies to localized markets. This place is international market and there are different rules. If you can't sell for the same prices as your cheaper competitor, then don't expect much wheh he offers the same quality. The buyer will always take the cheaper.

Who decide to the price?
Do we know how many times will be sold a model with the price?
You never know how many sales you'll make. That's why you can change the price when you see no sales for long time. You can always risk lowering the price to $1 and see if people get some interest in it. If not, then the problem is not in the price but in the fact that your stuff is not interesting for others.

Posted over 11 years ago

Well try to sale the models for 10 or 20 $ and see how much money you will earn.

10x10 = 50 x 2 it's same.

Posted over 11 years ago

I wasn't talking about $10 vs $20. I was talking about models worth $25 that people try to sell for $125.

Posted over 11 years ago

Well, this is a market. If you are not satisfied with that price you could search for another model.

Posted over 11 years ago

I'm not complaining here, I don't usually buy models so it doesn't really bother me, I was just trying to point out that some people might get better sales this way instead of putting their models out for ridiculous prices.

Posted over 11 years ago

That's why I am selling my file as low as usd2.70 to usd9.00, I wanna to see the market response.

Also I want to share these files with others... Hope that you all can enjoy the 3D printing... :)

Posted over 11 years ago

Well, If he doesn't sell his models, that is his problem. By the way, maybe his model is very complex or with an original design, or he is an important artist.... there could be a lot of reasons for that price. On the other hand, we have fought for years against undercutters, so please, don't encourage them.

Posted over 11 years ago

undercutting will destroy the 3d stock market. Don't encourage it

Posted over 11 years ago

Thing is, you can't set a price just from looking at the model, there are many more factors (in most cases) that lead to the final price. There are many artists who make a living from their work so the price of a model has to reflect some of their expenses for the time they put into that model, so obviously that model will be much more expensive than if it were made by someone who's doing this in his spare time for fun.
This is just one explication among many others.

Posted over 11 years ago

There's also the issue of undervaluing your products.

For example, if a non-rigged human figure goes for $80, why not price yours at $20 and get 4 times the sales? Like the other poster said, if the accepted market value is $80, your $20 is undercutting everyone else.
But I think a lot of customers may wonder why your model is so cheap compared to the other products. Some customers may come to the conclusion that there's something wrong with it otherwise you wouldn't be setting the price so low.

Posted over 11 years ago

It's much better for us if somebody overvalue his own model than undervalue..
If you put low price it's not mean that you gonna sell this item 100 times... If its not good, probably you will not sell at all.
3D Ocean is discover us how many sales has some model and there is only 6 models with over 100 sale... Most of the models never sale!!

Posted over 11 years ago

Market regulates itself. So I dont care about the 125$ and search for a models which fits me.
I also buy models on market-places and always consider if the quality matches the price and budget.

I won't buy a 150$ model for 4000$ project if it is only seen from distance. But I may if it is a center piece.

Posted over 11 years ago

people care the price but if model is really good they can pay 125 dollar for one model. ı set discount my models and they didnt sell they. people try to find same models as free thats why we cant sell any of our models to good price

Posted over 11 years ago

Its like a local grocery shop selling 1kg of onions for $10 and a supermarket selling the same 1kg onions for $39.99 bucks in a nice vacuum sealed package :) You cant blame either of them.

Posted over 11 years ago

I think people need to see the bigger picture. They see a model priced at 125 dollars or even 100 dollars and say damn that's too expensive. I've looked on here and a typical high quality vehicle model is between 99 - 119 dollars. Which is very good price considering a vehicle model done accurately can take weeks to be made. No one becomes rich from selling 3D models online so do you think artist make a fair amount on their assets? If the person sells 1 model per week or per month, do you feel 125 dollars is too much to ask for a few weeks of hard work?

Sellers who under cut are a problem, but only barely as every buyer especially high profile buyers are smart enough to know that low priced models means low quality work the majority of the time. I've found people are more willing to pay more ensuring the quality rather than risk paying less for something that will more than likely be dodgy.

Think of yourself as a working person. You won't go work at a job for 100 - 125 dollars per week or per month will you? So why do people expect artists to sell for lower? let alone that amount. You might say that through their work they may get offered higher paying jobs, or they might make money through the quantity of models they sell. But this only lasts so long, each model made has to appeal to a good number of buyers. The artist has to continually produce more and more regardless if they are getting any job requests that pay higher (which many don't). People who think models are priced too high need to step back and have a re-think on what the artist goes through to develop such assets and provide them for such a price. In reality, the models are worth far more than what they are priced.

Posted about 11 years ago

Let's try models arround 20+ dollars

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