See polygons in Autodesk Maya HUD?

Discussion started by 3dmeshes

Good morning,

I want to enter the polygons, I look in the HUD but what exactly should I take from it?

what should I take and enter here on cgtrader at polygons? the faces?

Thanks for help



Posted about 2 years ago

"A closed plane figure bounded by three or more line segments."
You put the (combined) number of triangles. quads and n-gons under "Polygons".

Posted about 2 years ago

aha, great and where exactly is that supposed to be in Maya? I do not find. What should I take? HUD -> Poly Count -> verts/edges/faces/tris/UVs and now the question again, what should be entered in polygons on cgtrader?

Posted about 2 years ago

The number of faces.

Posted about 2 years ago

sometimes the simplest things are the most difficult, thanks for the reply.

tobiasrieper wrote
I have found very interesting/funny that someone who is able to model this Doesn't know what polycount is... Something doesn't add up...
Posted about 2 years ago

oh detective rieper, for the a** you clown! this is the only existing model available for purchase and only here! and now troll!

tobiasrieper wrote
Who said anything about the model ? I suggest you to watch your mouth. Support will contact you soon.
Posted about 2 years ago

No problem, tz.....

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