the object was sold for a significantly lower price!

Discussion started by tivsol

Help me understand the situation.
My object is worth with discount 30% 80$

How did it happen that it was sold for a pittance of $ 7.44 ?

How to avoid such situations in the future?

And who will compensate me for the losses in this?

link to screenshot of two sales with unreasonable price


Posted about 5 years ago

Bought by adobestock - expect appearance of your model on Adobe stock for pennies :]
I think you should write directly to support and ask them what the actual f*k had happened? But thanks for escalating this publicly, need to check my sales stats, in case there's similar surprise waiting my attention.

Posted about 5 years ago

About the buyer under the name (Adobe stock) I have a separate question...
If it's true... then why is my model resold for pennies in other trading platforms? Is it even legal? And what do CGTraider think about this?

LemonadeCG wrote
Of course that's illegal. It was more of a joke about reselling, i have no idea why your model was sold at such price, but it really should not happen. I know that cgtrader and adobe has some agreement between them, but even so, they cannot resell your models on other platforms without your consent. Only support can tell you what's really happened. Please do inform us when you'll get an answer from them.
Posted about 5 years ago

I would like to know as well what CGT has to say about this.

Posted about 5 years ago

That's really weird.
Can you check if your model was downloaded by the same user?
I suspect this may be a purchase of just a few of your renders.

Posted about 5 years ago

Checked the downloads. this user did not download anything. (maybe you're right, or maybe he just hasn't downloaded the object yet)
Looked again messages... there is no information anywhere that we are talking about any screenshot or render...

screenshot from the letter

Posted about 5 years ago

I recall that 3-4 years ago, there was a challenge on cgtrader, where participants had to create models for adobe and then those models were put on sale at adobe stock. Maybe that's your case? Did you participate in any challenges on cgtrader in the past? You never know what could be written in their rules and conditions in fine print :]

tivsol wrote
I don't remember allowing CGTraider to sell my models at a 95% discount !!!
Posted about 5 years ago

Model Holland windmill is on sale by cgtrader for 19,99 euro. Looks suspiciously similar to your model, isn't?

tivsol wrote
Yes, this is my model. Why does CGTraider sell my objects on other trading platforms on its own behalf, at its own prices...
Posted about 5 years ago

Thus month I also had two similar sales to british buyers for price below the sale price. I think it must be a big question to CGT administration.

Posted about 5 years ago


That is why I don’t like Adobe ! They are so hoodlum... CGTrader signed a contract with them and all challengers de facto too. We can see that CGTrader get around $9.9 for an AdobeStock sell at $19.9 (only 50% of Royalties).

Do you sell many time this model on CGTrader ? If not, I suggest to decrease the price to $19 on CGTrader to tell F**k Y*U to Adobe to decide the price of our work and to take 50% of royalties. And maybe you will sell more your model on CGTrader...

LemonadeCG wrote
By lowering price as you suggested, tivsol would also say f*k to all sellers who are keeping fair price and he would say f*k to himself. Not all problems can and should be solved by setting unreasonably low prices. If model on adobe stock is selling without owner's consent, it should be immediatelly taken down and the owner should be compensated for lost revenue.
KangaroOz3D wrote
I understand that and I am totally agree with you but if he participated to the challenge, he accepted the terms de facto... We (all 3D artists) have to read every words and conditions when we work for something like this Challenge, especially if it organized by Adobe. Of course if hi did not participated, there is a mistake and this situation is illegal for CGTrader and Adobe Stock too. So he should to contact CGTrader to explain it and ask to correct this problem immediately with a friendly agreement for lost money.
Posted about 5 years ago

The fact of the matter is that I do not remember that I participated in a similar challenge. Although CGTraider say that I participated. But even in this case, it says about $ 20 and not a word about the fact that I will eventually get only$5.

What good would that do me? The fact that my work is depreciating... it turns out that this is only useful for AdobeStock and CGTraider... This is some nonsense... )

LemonadeCG wrote
I'd say don't leave it like that. If they say that you participated in some challenge, ask them to provide prove of that. Also ask to show you terms and conditions of the challenge. Remember, they don't own your model, tell them that you revoke your consent to sell your model on adobe stock. Just try to communicate politely and deliver them the message that at no point in time you were aware of situation that your model is being sold at completely devaluated price. Independent artist should never be forced to give away his work for pennies. Keep inform us how it will turns out.
Posted about 5 years ago

Anyway, I don't like this situation...
Or need to revise the pricing
Or to allow sellers to choose which objects can be sold in this way (and not to choose themselves)... to avoid situations where expensive objects are sold for a penny.
Or I just don't want to participate in such experiments anymore... for objective reasons.

btbt wrote
"...Eligible models cannot be removed from or Adobe Stock for a 6 month period following the end of the challenge..." In your case this period has probably already expired. The simplest solution for your problem seems to be deleting your item(s) from Adobe.
Posted about 5 years ago

I wrote in support… I don't want to participate in these challenges anymore.
a couple of days waiting for an answer... they haven't answered me yet...

Posted about 5 years ago

Every time I was interested in a similar competition, I decide to not participate, when I read their terms and conditions.
I can understand giving rights of usage for the winners, which receive prizes, but rights on every participant is a bit too much for my taste.

Posted about 5 years ago

The answer didn't come... even though I wrote a second letter. Ignoring and silence on the part of technical support.

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