What happened to my paypal that was linked to my account as the payment method?

Discussion started by cebolitos

I was used to receive my payments on my paypal account. It seems the money would ping in my account every week or so. But now it seems I'm not getting the payments straight anymore. I mean what should I do?

I saw a tab that says payment aggrement or something like that. But as I was receiving it right, I supposed that I don't need to do it again, or should I?

Also this new aggrement tab sends me to this hyperwallet. What is that? Is something new?

How can I keep receiving my payments on Paypal? And do I have to make a new account on hyperwallet? I'm so confused now. And what about the Payoneer payments? Is it another way to be paied or is just a new step inside the payment process.


Posted 9 months ago

Hyperwallet by PayPal is the new payment system. The only exception is still Payoneer in countries where Hyperwallet isn't allowed.

cebolitos wrote
And why would I need to redo the agreement if I was already receiving on my PayPal account before?
TazMan2000 wrote
I'm assuming it is to comply with new tax laws and proving you are who you are. A drivers license alone won't do it anymore. Hyperwallet asked me for a household bill that had my name and address on it. I also had an approved agreement that needed to be updated in order to change to the new system.
cgicat wrote
how can i use payoneer for receive my payment i am from egypt and there is no paypal , wire transfer have too much fees! i want to use payoneer if it possible?
TazMan2000 wrote
If Hyperwallet is not allowed in your area, Payoneer is possible. https://help.cgtrader.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015145137-Payout-methods
Posted 9 months ago

And why would I need to redo the agreement if I was already receiving on my PayPal account before?

TazMan2000 wrote
Hyperwallet is a PayPal service but not PayPal. You can chose to transfer the money to either PayPal or a bank account. I also had an approved PayPal agreement as well, but I believe I was selected as one of the early set of members to have to adopt the new service, and subsequently had to do another agreement. If you have more questions, go to the Help Center and search for Hyperwallet.
Posted 5 months ago

All artists should read Hyperwalet reviews.

TazMan2000 wrote
Reviews will be skewed to the negative side, since users rarely would comment if a website is doing what it is supposed to do. Any slight problem or delay and automatically you'll get several hundred negative reviews, but if everyone gets paid properly and the registration is easy, a user is not likely to leave a glowing review. How many times have you read positive reviews of airlines?

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