Why this Month there is No Sale?

Discussion started by 3DSB

Hi Guys... https://www.cgtrader.com/3dsb

I could not make much sales this month. If you help me, please. By the way, Good Years for you all :)


Posted about 7 years ago

Hi 3DSB,

From a fellow designer's point of view, at first I wanted to suggest you go check Analytics and Model Improvements, but you have lots of models, so it would be a pain in the neck to update even half of them.

Happy Holidays!

3DSB wrote
My models are not bad, most highpoly models. Thanks for the comment. Happy Holidays too!
3DSB wrote
I raised my prices a little, I was selling well (not bad). I have been selling here since 2015.
Posted about 7 years ago

This month situation is bad everywhere at all markets. So I think only help is hope that next month will be better. :-)
In your case with more than 1000 high quality, varied and complex models you can't do nothing more. You have already done the best job to have best sales.
But I must say that I don't understand it, until 24th day december is regular working month or all developers have whole december holidays?

Posted about 7 years ago

On one hand 1000 models seems like a lot, but on the other hand your collection largely consists of almost identical duplicates and oddly grouped and poorly priced collections, so the real model number probably is closer to 300 or less. Nevertheless, zero sales over entire month, sounds very suspicious - you may want to check if there's some problems with your models visibility.

As for december, i think that slower pace is expected, although i had very decent sales up until holidays and even couple sales on Christmas day. Nothing to complaint about. See you all next year! ;]

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