Does view counter work?

Discussion started by btbt

My plummeting view numbers made me check the counter first.

Out 36 models on my Best Match page it only worked in 3 cases.

Anyone else?

Also, thumbnails don't show up with ESR Firefox as of today.


Posted over 3 years ago

I have similar issues too, only 10 download this month, just like in 2018 when I started selling, view count low as well, compared to previous months.((

Posted over 3 years ago

Here is the answer I've got today:
"...Our tech team informed, that they are making some fixes and right now we are not adding page views for some categories (animals, architectural, military and furniture). We will be doing our best to release a fix as soon as possible, however, due to high workloads and complex process planning in the IT, we are not able to give an exact timeline at the moment. ..."

If you publish assets in these categories expect no views at all.

Posted over 3 years ago

This is not quite true, I post in Food>Fruits/Vegetables and have the same issue. 4 likes on a 2 views on a newly released model.

Posted over 3 years ago

I observed that models views counter is now also broken.
There are likes. no viewing.

Posted over 3 years ago

Broken as usual or it takes days to be fixed. but no matter what it wont tally

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