How to deliver models using Wildcat

Discussion started by giorgiorossimail

Hi there,

I have just been admitted in the Wildcat community. I spent several hours trying to understand how to correctly submit the files. The fact is that I am proficient with Maya, but I can not use this program to send the files...

The problem is that I need to find a way to assign a material and include the textures, then export an .fbx. At the moment I am using 3DS max (I have tried also with Blender). During the export procedure the program gives me error for the normal maps. I understood that it happens because the "normal bump" node is not supported, so I found on the internet that I need to render these maps... tried unsuccesfully because when I render the map it tells me that the output path does not exist. Do you know how I can solve this?

I also have a secondary issue on Ambient Occlusion, did not find a slot in the Physical material... would you please tell me where to connect the map?


Posted almost 3 years ago

Hello, just generate the model in fbx with the textures named correctly, the system will recognize and apply them. It is not necessary to assign the AO map in 3ds max. just attach the AO map with all the other texture maps.

Posted almost 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply. So I just need to put the textures, named correctly, in the folder with the relative geometry. It sounds great, I was going mad with this problem! It is a bit strange though, the "info" staff from CG Traider told me I was supposed to include the textures within the material. Maybe I got it wrong. I could use Blender for this, it's a lot of money saved...

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