Problem activating hyperwallet account

Discussion started by thesilverman2010

I updated the payment agreement
I filled out the required information: name, address, email, etc., then clicked the OK button
But I have not yet received the activation email from HyperWallet
When I click on the link at the bottom of the payment agreement page and follow the instructions to activate the account, but it does not respond and shows me a message saying that an invalid email address


Posted 12 months ago

I had trouble with my payment agreement as well. It initially didn't accept my identification number. I emailed and it was rectified in a day or so.
Keep in mind, in Lithuania they are celebrating Christmas and may not reply until the holidays are over.

thesilverman2010 wrote
Thank you for your response - I contacted and their response was that I should contact Hyperwallet support I sent an email to Hyperwallet support and their response was that I should contact cgtrader - Why all this nonsense? - I just want an activation email to be sent to the account I registered, or to be informed if there is a problem.
TazMan2000 wrote
OMG. It's almost like dealing with government departments. I'd email support back with Hyperwallet's email and tell them to figure it out themselves. It still is the holidays, so perhaps the least qualified person is handling the problems while the more senior employees enjoy their time off for both companies. Those type of "canned" answers are common with a lot of helpdesks, to buy time to get this solved later or when more senior personnel come back.
Posted 11 months ago

Is very hard to get any proof of address since egoverment In my country .I probably close my cgtrader account it would be best way if I won't be able to get money from account

thesilverman2010 wrote
So far, my identity has not been verified. I even had to request a passport, which will be issued within two weeks from my country’s government. I hope that verification will be done through my passport.
Posted 10 months ago

has this been rectified yet? not working for me either....

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