Problem with Accept & Pay button

Discussion started by Sanekz

The button is completely gone for some reason after editing the price. Google chrome, Windows 10. Is there a way to fix this?


Posted almost 5 years ago

Last period CGT shows more and more bugs and looks very unstable.

1. If in browser are installed plugins for privacy , against tracking and ad-blockers, user can face with problems with messaging. Some last messages can be lost. Some communication threads may look deleted, but after multiple page refreshing those messages are appearing again... At least support said that this problem is linked with browse plugins I use.

2. When I'm inviting my customers to private project and if customer changed something in this project description (checking or unchecking "allow to sale result" or whatever else, I'm getting message "User is reviewed/changed project blah blah" but I can't see, what in project was changed. And I can't change nothing. I can just blindly accept or reject this "changes".

Buggy = insecure.

Sanekz wrote
Thank you, I will check my browser settings then. For now we solved this problem by creating a new project and deleting old one.
Posted almost 5 years ago

My customer also don't have this button.

We tried to start project THREE times, none of it has success because problems I described before.
And MORE! Now I even have no possibility to withdraw my application! I'm getting error message "Something went wrong, please try again".

It's not my first client and not first project. I feel like I'm the biggest DUMBHEAD hear and like my client tries to fraud me. But I know it's not true. The true is: CGT is BROKEN!!!!!

What's wrong with CGtrader? Is this problem also linked with ad-blocker and anti-tracking plugins (like "Privacy Badger", "Facebook Container" and "HTTPS everywhere")??? SO HOW AND WHY cgtrader functioning depends on TRACKING, SPYING and disrespect to user privacy???

Does CGT-team have any explanation????????

skapricorn wrote
P.S. I was loyal and I'm still loyal to CGT rules. But I literally wasted a week and at the end I lost my client!!! Need I to be loyal to CGT and CGT rules further????????? Why buying models and ordering custom design here became so complicated? Why on my PC with the same browser eBay, Aliexpress and other s**t works properly but CGtrader not????
Sanekz wrote
Sounds pretty bad, I didn't have such a big problem like in your case (just completely deleted browser settings + started new project and this helped). I only can guess that the problem lies somewhere in their code/script optimisation, like in most of the big products - the larger it gets the more mistakes will show if not fixed in time.
skapricorn wrote
CGLex, resetting browser isn't good solution (for me). I need the addons I use (FB cntainer, PBadger, uBlock etc.) and i have the reasons to use it (absolutely legally). And if CGtrader don't allows normal work and demands that I must to have insecure PC, it's a big problem for me as for designer operating on CGT platform. And indeed it's a very big problem of CGtrader as a marketplace. And what is hilarious! Buyers said loud: "We want to pay! How to? It's profitable for CGT!!! ".... but CGT team don't cares... Sellers said louder: "We want to sell!!! It's also profitable for CGT!!!"... but CGT team don't gives a fuck... Total comedy!!!

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