Response Rate

Discussion started by TechMechDesigns


Recently I have noticed that my response rate doesn't increase after answering messages.

I haven't passed the time limit on them. Frequently i answered the messages.

Please do needful.



Posted over 4 years ago

good question, i have noticed the same thing.
my current theory is that cg trader only counts response rates when it is concerning messages between a seller and a client that has actually bought a product.

but i can be wrong, so if somebody has a definitive answer i would like to know.

Posted over 4 years ago

Response rate usually changes after weeks or sometimes even months. But, if you wish to make it change more rapidly, the best way is to be active in the forum, and try to help other people, so the amount of messages you deal with increases. Also, doing freelance projects on the website will definitely help (again due to the number of messages sent between you and the client)

Posted about 4 years ago

I've sent and received tons of messages and it still 0.0%
Any one can help?

Posted over 3 years ago

My response rate is at 50% and I can confirm I reply to every message. I think the problem comes from the fact that they put general messages or ads from cgtrader into calculation. That is so stupid!

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